


25. SEPTEMBAR 12:00 MESTO IZVOĐENJA: USTANOVA KULTURE „PAROBROD" TROGLASNE INVENCSJE BITEF POLIFONIJE OTVARANJE I INTERAKTIVNA PREZENTACIJA TRAJANJE: 4 SATA AUTORSKI TIM: IRENA RISTIČ, BORIS ČAKŠIRAN I LJUBICA BEL JANŠKI-RISTIČ Autori tri knjige: dr Ivan Medenica, teatrolog i pozorišni kritičar, redovni profesor na Fakulteto dramskih umetnosti u Beogradu, umetnički direktor Bitefa, dr Darko Lukič, teatrolog i dramski pisac, redovni profesor na Akademiji dramske umjetnosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, i dr Milan Mađarev, teatrolog, reditelj i dramski pedagog, predavač na Visokoj školi strukovnih študija za obrazovanje vaspitača u Kikindi. Moderatorka; Irena Ristič

25 th SEPTEMBER 12:00 VENUE: CULTURAL INSTITUTION “PAROBROD” THREE-PART INVENTIONS OF BITEF POLYPHONY OPENING AND INTERACTIVE PRESENTATION RUNNING TIME: 4H AUTHORS: IRENA RISTIČ. BORIS ČAKŠIRAN AND LJUBICA BELJANSKI-RISTIĆ Authors of three books: dr Ivan Medenica, a theatrologist and a theatre critic, a professor at the Faculty of Drama Arts in Belgrade, and Bitef artistic director, dr Darko Lukič, a theatrologist and a playwright, a professor at the Academy of Drama Art at the University of Zagreb, and dr Milan Madarev, a theatrologist, a director and a drama pedagogue, teaching at the College for Pedagogues in Kikinda, Moderated by; Irena Ristič The opening will introduce the authors, the participants and the audience of 18 th Bitef Polyphony to the concept, the topics and the events this year’s programme is focused on. The dialogue with three authors about three books initiates a common search for diverse theatre forms of openness and participation for those who create it and for its audience alike. The Tragedy of Initiation or the Inconstant Prince by Ivan Medenica represents a stimulus towards the reassessment of the “universal existential situation” of entering the world of adults, maturity, the right to vote, destiny of the community, and the responsibility for it. The issue of the participation of young people in the world of new theatre trends is symbolically linked to the “maturity” of Bitef Polyphony within Bitef side programmes. Introduction into Applied Theatre. To Whom Does Theatre Belong?, by Darko Lukič, raises the question of the programme concept of discovering and supporting invisible performers and invisible audience, and calling attention to participative theatre practices. Creative Drama - the Process of Creation in Skozorište by Milan Mađarev, opens the question of duration and development of innovative, creative and participative practices, from which Bitef Polyphony evolved.