
odgovarajuće kritičko-teorijske elaboracije. Početna premisa razmatranja aktuelnih susretanja nisu samo promene koje su se odigrale performativnim okretom šezdesetih godina već i odsustvo teorijskog promišIjanja posiedica tog okreta, koje pratimo sve do danas. One se i u teatrologiji i u teoriji umetnosti, uprkos interdisciplinarnim orijentacijama obe nauke, veoma retko istražuju, dok sama praksa poznaje samo izolovane slučajeve artikulisanog promišljanja teatarskog u vizuelnoj umetnosti i obrnuto. Tri pozorišne instalacije koje zatvaraju ovogodišnji Bitef povod su da se ova tema pokrene s mrtve tačke i otvori diskusija, ne više o granicama za koje je izvesno da su prekoračene već o pragovima prelaza ili međuprostorima teatra i vizuelne umetnosti.

Dejan Sretenović

Na Tribini učestvuju: Dominik iber, scenograf i reditelj (Rimini protokol); Marina Davidova, pozorišna kritičarka, istoričarka i producentkinja (Viši naučni saradnik na Institutu za umetničke studije u Moskvi); dr Jelena Vesić, nezavisna istraživačica, kustoskinja, istoričarka umetnosti i spisateljica koja živi u Beogradu i deluje internacionalno; dr Ana Vujanović, nezavisna kulturna radnica - teoretičarka izvođačkih umetnosti i kulture i dramaturškinja koja živi i radi izmedu Berlina, Amsterdama i Beograda.

Moderator Tribine: dr Dejan Sretenović, istoričar i teoretičar umetnosti (kustos Muzeja savremene umetnosti u Beogradu)

artistic practice’ which, regrettably, did not go beyond showing the fluidity of their boundaries leaving aside relevant critical-theoretical analysis. The initial premise in the consideration of current encounters is not only changes due to the performative turn in the Sixties but also the absence of a theoretical analysis of the aftermaths of this turn we follow to this day. In spite of interdisciplinary leanings both theatrology and visual arts theory seldom investigate them while the local practice knows only of isolated cases of articulate deliberation of the theatrical in visual arts and vice versa. The theatre installations closing Bitef this year should break the stalemate and open a debate not about boundaries any more, as it is obvious they have been stepped over, but about the thresholds of transition or inter-spaces of theatre and visual arts.

Dejan Sretenović

Participants: Dominic Huber, stage designer and director (Rimini Protokoll); Marina Davidova, theatre critic, historian and producer (Senior Researcher, Institute of Art Studies in Moscow), Jelena Vesic, PhD, independent researcher, curator, art historian and writer who lives in Belgrade and acts internationally; Ana Vujanović, PhD, independent culture activist, theoretician of performing arts and culture and dramaturgist living and working in Berlin, Amsterdam and Belgrade

Moderator: Dejan Sretenović, PhD, art historian and theoretician (curator of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade)