


Stefan Kegi i njegovi saradnici proveli su dve godine obilazeći bolnice za negu neizledvih bolesnika, kao i obične bolnice, naubne laboratorije i pogrebne zavode, domove za smeštaj starih lica i religijske centre, pogrebnike, neurologe i advokate - sve one koji se svakodnevno suočavaju sa temom smrti. Potom su se susreli sa ljudima koji su, svako iz svog razloga, odabrali da se pripreme za sopstvenu smrt. Sa nekima od njih napraviii su posebne prostorije u kojima je svako mogao da izrazi svoju ličnu Zaostavštinu. U svakoj od tih soba otkrivamo ostatke života koji be ti ljudi ostaviti za sobom, način na koji oni zamišljaju sopstvenu smrt, ili rekonstrukciju načina na koji oni zamišljaju prizor smrti, u svakom slučaju, neki deo njihovog zaveštanja ili nešto što žele da podele sa drugima pre nego što napuste ovaj svet, Distanca svojstvena umetničkom stvaranju dala je tim ljudima smelost da osmisle svoj odlazak i da zamisle mesto koje be podsebati na njih. Jedan stariji brabni par koji je odlubio da umre zajedno seba se svog života i mladosti; jedna žena uspeva da ostvari veliki san pre nego što be umreti; jedan otac se obraba kberki; jedan naubnik detaljno ispituje tehnibke aspekte sopstvene smrti; jedan stanovnik Ciriha, turskog porekla, vidi svoju smrt kao povratak korenima i domovini.


Stefan Kaegi and his collaborators spent two years in hospice centres and hospitals, in scientific research laboratories and funeral homes, in retirement homes and religious centres, among coroners, neurologists and lawyers - for all of whom death is an ongoing concern. They then met with people who have chosen for different reasons to prepare for their passing. With some of their interlocutors they created special rooms in which each individual Nachlass could be expressed. Inside you can discover traces of the lives they’ll leave behind, or the manner in which they imagine their own passing, or the enactment of a scene of transmission, a part of their legacy or something they wish to share before their departure. The distance inherent to all artistic creation has made it possible for these individuals to dare to envision their passing and imagine what a place evocative of their memory would look like. An elderly couple that has decided to die together recounts their life and remembers their youth; a woman realizes a cherished dream before dying; a father addresses his daughter; a scientist analyses the technical aspects of his passing; a man of Turkish origins from Zurich sees his death as a return to his roots and his land of birth.


STEFAN KAEGI produces documentary theatre plays, radio shows and works in the urban environment in a diverse variety of collaborative partnerships. Using research, public auditions and conceptual processes, he gives voice to ‘experts’ who are not trained actors but have something to tell. This is how he directed Mnemopark, a model railway world in the Basel Theatre - a live film (set in 1:87 scale) that has been shown in over thirty cities between Tokyo and Montreal. Kaegi has toured across Europe and Asia for over three years with two Bulgarian lorry drivers and a truck which was converted into a mobile audience room (Cargo Sofia). In 2008, he developed Radio Muezzin in Cairo - a project about the call to prayer in our age of technical reproduction, and in 2011, Bodenprobe Kasachstan about migration and oil in central Asia. At the moment he is touring with Remote X, a modular site specific audiotour for hordes of 50 listeners. In