RADMILA VOJVODIĆ je pozorišni reditelj, dramski pisac i redovni profesor režije na FDU Univerziteta Crne Gore. Autor je drama Princeza Ksenija od Crne Gore (1993), Montenegrini (1998), Montenegro blues (2005) i Everyman Đilas (2013). Predstave koje potpisuje učestvovale su i nagrađivane na brojnim festivalima - Moskovskom pozorišnom festivalu (Rusija), Sterijinom pozorju (Srbija), Poietnom festivalu (Slovenija), Mitelfestu (Italija), MOT-u (Makedonija), Gradu teatru Budvi (Crna Gora), Pozorišnom festivalu - Elbasan (Albanija), „Sarajevskoj zimi" I Međunarodnom festivalu MESS (BiH), Nacionalnom festivalu malih teatarskih formi Vraca (Bugarska), festivalu EXPONTO (Ljubljana), Međunarodnom festivalu Kotor Art. Režirala je u mnogim referentnim kućama nekadašnjeg jugoslovenskog kulturnog prostora, i to tekstove klasične i savremene dramaturgije, kao I vlastite dramaturške adaptacije i dramske tekstove. Dobitnik je stručnih i društvenih nagrada i priznanja: Nagrade za značajan doprinos kulturi I stvaralaštvu Crne Gore - Trinaestojulska nagrada 1997; Velike nagrade CNP-a, 2000, 2008. I 2010; Nagrade festivala Grad teatar za dramsko stvaralaštvo, 2006; Specijalne nagrade MESS, 2008; nagrade Bijenala crnogorskog teatra, 2010; Nagrade za originalno rediteljsko čitanje, 2013; nagrade Nacionalnog festivala malih teatarskih formi (Bugarska). Osnivač je, urednik i član redakcije časopisa za pozorište i kulturu Gest (1999-2014). Patron je festivala za savremene drame - Patron section of the Biennale Wiesbaden (2009-2013).
RADMILA VOJVODIĆ is a theatre director, playwright, and a professor of Directing at FDU, the University of Montenegro. She is the author of the plays Princess Xenia of Montenegro (1993), Montenegrins (1998), Montenegro Blues (2005), and Everyman Đilas (2013). Her performances have participated at numerous festivals - Moscow Theatre Festival (Russia), Sterijino Pozorje (Serbia), Poletni festival (Slovenia), Mittelfest (Italy), MOT (Macedonia), Budva Theatre City (Montenegro), Theatre Festival Elbasan (Albania), “Sarajevo Winter" and International Festival MESS (Bosnia and Hercegovina). National Festival of Small Theatre Forms in Vratsa (Bulgaria). EXPONTO (Ljubljana), International Festival KotorArt. She has staged classical dramatic texts and contemporary plays alike, her own dramaturgical adaptations and plays, and has worked in many relevant theatres throughout the former Yugoslav space. She has received professional and social awards and recognitions: the award for the contribution to art and culture of Montenegro - the 13 lh July Award (1997); the Grand Prix of Montenegrin National Theatre (2000, 2008, and 2010); Award for drama by Budva Theatre City (2010); award for the original directing (2013) at the National Theatre of Small Theatre Forms (Bulgaria). She is the founder, the editor and a member of the editorial board of the journal for theatre and culture Gest (1999-2014). She is the patron for the contemporary drama - Patron section of the Biennale Wiesbaden (2009-2013).