
ALEKSANDRA JANKOVIĆ diplomirala je glumu na Fakultetu dramskih umetnosti u Beogradu. Stalno je zaposiena u pozorištu Atelje 212, Beograd. Karijeru je započeia u svojim tridesetim godinama upravo u Ateijeu 212, sa predstavom Dvije. Nakon toga, sledi saradnja sa eminentnim srpskim rediteljem Dejanom Mijačem ( Amerika, drug! deo Biljane Srbljanović). U Jugoslovenskom dramskom pozorištu prvi put igra u predstavi Skakavci Biljane Srbljanović 2005, a potom i Gertrudu u Šekspirovom Hamtetu u režiji Dušana Jovanovića (2006), kao i u predstavama Barbelo, o psima i decl (2010), Hinkeman: šta mora neka bude (2013) i Sudnji dan (2017). Sa produkeijom Hartefakt igrala je u predstavama Glad, u režiji Andreja Nosova (2013), i Grobnica za Borisa Davidoviča, u režiji Ivice Buljana (2014). Poslednju premijeru imala je u matičnom pozorištu 2018. godine sa predstavom Režim ljubavi u režiji Bojana Đorđeva i autora drame Tanje Šljivar, koja će biti prikazana na ovogodišnjem Bitefu u okviru programa Showcase domaćih pozorišta. Dobitnica je priznanja: Nagrade Sterijinog pozorja za glumačko ostvarenje, Nagrade „Zoran Radmilović" i Nagrade „Branka i Mlađa Veselinović".

ALEKSANDRA JANKOVIĆ has graduated in Acting from the Faculty of Drama Arts in Belgrade. She is a member of the Belgrade theatre Atelje 212 ensemble. Her career began in her thirties in the same theatre with the performance Two of Us. It was followed by the cooperation with the eminent Serbian director Dejan Mijač ( America, Part Two by Biljana Srbljanović), In Yugoslav Drama Theatre, she played in the performance Locusts by Biljana Srbljanović (2005), then played the role of Gertrude in Shakespeare's Hamlet, directed by Dušan Jovanović (2006), and in the performances Barbelo, of Dogs and Children (2010), Hinkemann: Come What May (2013), and Judgement Day (2017). With the Heartefact production, she played in the performances Hunger (2013), directed by Andrej Nosov, and A Tomb for Boris Davidovich (2014), directed by Ivica Buljan. The latest production in which she played is Regime of Love by Tanja Šljivar, directed by Bojan Đorđev (premiered in 2018), which will be shown at this year’s Bitef Festival Showcase of Serbian Theatre programme. She has received Sterijino Pozorje Award for acting, “Zoran Radmilović” Award, and “Branka i Mlađa Veselinović” Award,

FOTOGRAFIJA / PHOTOGRAPHY: Igor Handle / Igor Handle