Chinese Journal of Physiology, Jan 01, 1929, page 119

Physiological Supplies.

2 . Wetzlar E e L Cl t Z 9 Optical Works, Germany. Microscopes for monocular and binocular

vision—Micro-photo Apparatus—Microtomes—Colorimeters. s Berlin

E e L el t Z 9 Laboratory Supplies,Germany. Electro Thermostats—Time MarkersKymographs—Centrifuges—Sphy gmomanometers—Apparatus for the colorimetric determination of hydrogen-ion concentrations (Comparators with non-fading glass colour plates)—Laboratory GlasswareBalances—Scales—etc., etc.

D tadt

Ee Merck, Chemical Works, Germany.

Reagents—C hemicals—Drugs—StainsIndicators. Large stocks kept in Peping and Tientsin.

Quotations and full details will be sent on application.

Sole Agents SCHMIDT & Co.

| PEPING SHANGHAI TJENTSIN ] Hsi-Tang-Tze-Hutung, 1 Nanking Road. 52 Taku Road,
