Chinese Literature

of vision naturally followed up the slope until stopped by another object —the big cedar. Immediately burning with rage, he leaped to his feet.

“Violating all virtue and morality!”

At the same moment, he heard someone calling to him frantically, “Elder, Elder, please come right away! They won’t listen to reason! They're making a terrific fuss!”

When he reached the temple, he found the courtyard filled with people all talking at once. They seemed to be arguing about something. The quarrel was raging the hottest right in front of the temple door. Pushing his way through the crowd lining the steps, he discovered the Bigot surrounded by a large group of angry people. The old man had his hands clasped together and was bowing all around in abject supplication.

“Your worships, it wasn’t my idea. I wouldn’t dare to break the law!

Seeing Yang the Elder, Glib Lips raised her voice. “All right, all right, the clan leader is here now. For better or worse we're all in the same clan. A Yang is a Yang no matter what you say!”

Several others were about to chime in with the same sentiments, when Aunt Li interrupted. She pulled Glib Lips by the arm and shouted: “Before you go off half-cocked, first let me ask the clan leader!”

Forcing her way through to the steps, she stood before the Elder, her head thrown back. :

“Say, uncle, you’re a peasant too. How come cats and dogs and landlords and counter-revolutionaries have all been invited? If this is a meeting of landlord families who are being reformed, then all us peasants are going to leave!”

“Right, right, let’s go!”

“T don’t like the stink around here!”

The concubine with the water snake waist had been standing beside a stone incense-burner at the foot of the steps. Now she slithered brashly forward.

“Aiya, Sister Li, we’re all in the Yang family. This is a meeting of the clan. Why were we notified if we weren’t supposed to come?”

A tall young man shook his fist in her face. “Get out! Even if you're a Yang ten times over, you won’t be pulling your tricks again. Damn bitch! It looks like you didn’t get enough at that last accusation meeting!”

“Tell her off! Who notified that dirty gang to come?”

Yang the Elder’s melon face went from white to red, and from red back to white. His beard trembled, his breath came harshly. He shot his hand into the air.

“Chase them out, send them away! I’m an old fool!”

With much pushing, pulling, shouting and swearing, a group of people were driven from the compound. Yang the Hider shook his head, heaved a long sigh, then entered the main temple building.