Egyptian sculpture, page 339


Kom Ombos, 181, 182, 192 Koptos, 4, 89

Lamp-black, 19 Landscape, xvii, 172 Lapis lazuli, 19 Late Period, 152, ror

- , canon, 26 , date, xxi Bs , painting, 171

33 , Teliefs, 168 o , Statues, 154 Leather, 54, 62 Leyden Museum, 188, rgr Libyan-booty palette, v. Palette Light and shade, 14, 149 Lime, 19 Limestone, 3, 4, 15, 17, 18, 30, 31, 32, 52, 54, 80, 81, ILI, 137, 138, 188, 190 Line in drawing, 16, 17 Linen, IIo Lion, v. Animals Lisht, 80, 81, 188 “Lock of youth,” 117, 163 Loin-cloth, v. Dress Louvre, 38, 135, 187, 191 Lute, 127 Lutist, 147 Luxor, 117

and painting,

Maatkara, 152, 191 Mace, 40 Mace-heads, 42, 43 Magical animals, 170 Malachite, 20 Manefer, 71 Masked man, 38 Masks, death-, 141 » , life-, 142 , Statues, 4 Mastaba-tombs, reliefs in, 12 ““Master’s Return,” 146, 191 Materials for painting, v. Pigments, and Surfaces a sculpture, 17, 18 alabaster, g.v. amethyst, q.v. bronze, q.v. carnelian, g.v.

Materials for sculpture—continued FA copper, 9.v. diorite, q.v. ebony, q.v. gold, q.v. granite, q.v. ivory, q.v. jasper, g.v. lapis lazuli, q.v. limestone, g.v. obsidian, 9.v. plaster, q.v. quartz, q.v. quartzite, q.v. sandstone, 9.v. serpentine, g.v. silver, 7.v. slate, q.v. wood, g.v. Matwork design, 44, 126 Medinet Habu, 121, 190 Meir, 94, 189 Memphis, xxiii, 13, 44, 77, 189, 190 Mena, xxiii, 30 Menes, v. Mena Menkaura, 57, 59, 104, 154, 166, 167, 188 Mentu-em-hat, 152, 159, 160, 192 Mentu-hetep III, 77, 79, 88, 188 pyramid - temple of, 86, 188 Merenptah, 13, 111, 189 Mereruka, 71, 72, 188 Mertitefs, 50, 57, 62, 161, 187 Mesopotamian art, 43 Methods of artists, 2 Meydum, 13, 19, 51, 68, 69, 76, 95, 96, 188 Middle Kingdom, 77, 188


” 2

rh, , canon, 23 7 , date, xxi a , painting, 95 » , reliefs, 85

» , Statues, 79 Milker, 86, 87, 88, 90, 189 Min, v. God Mistakes of artists, 16, 88, 93, 97, II5, 129, 172, 181, 183 Molossian hounds, 37 Mortise-and-tenon, 4, 5, 6, 63, 66