Egyptian sculpture, page 344
Tanis sphinxes, 79, 188 Tehutihetep’s daughter, 92, 189 Tell el Amarna, v. Amarna Tenon, v. Mortise-and-tenon Teta-shera, 100, 189 Teti, 141 Thebes, xxiii, 14, 117, 126, 142, 189, 192 » 4 Colossi of, xviii », -, painted tombs of, 14,
125 sqq. » , triad of, 120, 122 Thepu, 128
Thoth, v. God Thothmes III, 99, 100, 102, 104, 105, 189, 190 , mother of, 100, 189 Thothmes IV, 106, 107, 189 Throne, 33, 54, 50, 80, 100, 108 Ti, 68 Tomb of Akhet-hetep, g.v. ,, Amenhotep II, q.v. 5A Baqt, 189 ,, Horemheb, g.v. , Khnumhetep, 189 » Manefer, g.v. ,, Mereruka, q.v.
» Nakht, g.v. ,, Nefer-maat, q.v. » Nefert, .v.
,, Nefertari Mery-Mut, g.v.
», Nesi-pa-Her-em-hat, g.v.
ry Paten-em-heb, q.v.
, Petosiris, g.v.
,, Ptah-hotep, g.v.
,, | Ptah-shepses, g.v.
,, Puyemre, g.v.
ss Ra-hesy, q.v.
» Ra-hotep, q.v.
», -senbi, g.v.
», Sen-nefer, g.v.
» Sethy I, g.v.
» Tehutihetep, 189
» Li, g.v.
,» Tutankhamen, q.v.
Userhet, g.v. Tomb- chapel, 9, II, 13, 14, 68, 75
» , Ateta, g.v. 5 , Ptah-shepses, q.v. PD , Sen-nefer, q.v. ¥ , Tehutihetep, 92
Tomb-chapel—continued : , Li, g.v. , Userneter, g.v.
Tombs at Beni-Hasan, q.v.
» , Menat Khufu, 95
it the Kings, 14 ¥ » Queens, 14, 131 , painting in, 13, 125, 126
» » street of, 69 Tools, chisel, g.v.
» , drill, g.v.
, , hammer, g.v.
» , metal, 2, 3, 17, 18, 89
», , polisher, q.v. Totem, 37, 57 Towns, representation of, 35, 37 Tree, 129, 172, and v. Palm-tree
,, ~cutting, 128 Trellis decoration, 58 Triad, 46, 120, 143, 166, 191, 192 Trial pieces, 16 Turin Museum, 108, 189 Tutankhamen, 112, 142, 143, 148,
IgI Tyi, Queen, 107, 139
Uas-staff, 109 Unfinished pieces, 95, 96, 138, 169 Unit of proportion, 20, 24, 25 University College, London, 42, 139, 177, 187, 188, 190, 192 Uraei, 101, IIo, 112 Uraeus, 32, 56, 60, 81, 82, 83, 90, IOI, 107, 110, 112, 114, 115, T19, 123, 143, 144, I5I, 161, 162, 166, 172, 177, 178 -crown, 184 ; double, ror ,, heads, 158 » , triple, 158 Userhet, 129 User-neter, 16 Ushabti of Tutankhamen, 142
Vest, v. Dress Vine, 126, 190 ,, » Lomb of the, 127
Walled town, 35, 37 Walls, 35