History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes


for his kind and gracious reply, but the important question still continued to be agitated, and, as it happily turned out, not without success. The petition of May 1882, contaiming a prayer to His Majesty for its abolition, met with the desired result, and the “jazia” was declared to be finally doomed. A communication to that effect, dated 27th September 1882, was received by Mr. Dinsha Manakji Petit, president of the Zoroastrian Amelioration Fund Committee, from Mr. Ronald Thomson of the British Embassy. With Mr. Thomson’s letter was also transmitted a copy of the royal firman in Persian, decreeine the immediate abolition of the impost, together with an English translation executed by the translator to the Embassy. We give below the British ambassador’s letter conveying this welcome announcement, and the royal

firman which promulgated the same glad tidings.

“ TEHERAN, September 27th, 1882.

“ Str—With reference to the letter addressed to me by the Committee of the Persian Zoroastrian Amelioration Fund on the Sth of September 1881, I have much pleasure in transmitting to you herewith copy and translation of a firman which has been issued by the Shah wholly abolishing the “jazia” tax, and relieving the Zoroastrian community from its payment from the commencement of the present year the 21st of March 1882.—I am, Sir, your most obedient humble servant,

(Signed) “Ronatp F. THomson.

“The President of the Committee, Persian Zoroastrian Amelioration Fund.”