History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes


RoyaL FrrMAn issued by His Masesty NASAREDIN SHAH relieving the Zoroastrians of Persia from the payment of the tribute annually levied from them under the name of Jazia.

“Tn consideration of the many favours and blessings which it has pleased the Almighty to confer upon us, and also as a thanksgiving to Him who has bestowed on us the Royal Crown ot Persia, and has granted us the means of affording relief to its inhabitants, it behoves us to provide for the ease and comfort of all our subjects, of whatever tribe, race, community, or creed, in order that they may be strengthened and refreshed by the waters of our special favour.

“ Amongst these are the Zoroastrians, residing at Yezd and Kerman, who are the descendants of the ancient population and nobles of Persia, and whose peace and comfort it is our Royal desire now to render more complete than heretofore.

“Therefore, by the issue of this Royal firman, we order and command that the same taxes, assessments, revenues, and all other Government imposts, trading dues, ete., which are taken from our Mahomedan subjects residing in the towns and villages of Yezd and Kerman, shall be taken in like manner from the Zoroastrians who also reside there, and nothing more nor less. And whereas in consideration of this arrangement the exaction of the sum of eight hundred and forty-five tomans (845) which was annually levied under another’s name from the said community will be abolished. Therefore from beginning of the present auspicious year of the Horse we remit this sum, and absolve the Zoroastrians from its payment henceforward and for ever; and now we hereby order and command our Mustautis and revenue officers of the Royal Exchequer to strike out the said sum entirely from the revenue returns of Yezd and Kerman.

“The present and future Governors of these provinces are to consider the claim for the payment of this tribute as now surrendered for ever; and during the present year, and hereafter, should this sum or a part thereof be exacted, they will be held responsible and punished ; and in levying the tithes and assessments on water and landed property, all the trading dues, etc.,