History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes, page 327
XXXII. In any suit under this Act for divorce or judicial
Alimony pendente Separation, if the wife shall not have an indeite, pendent income sufficient for her support and the necessary expenses of the suit, the Court on the application of the wife may order the husband to pay her monthly or weekly during the suit such sum not exceeding one-fifth of the husband’s net income, as the Court, considering the circumstances of the parties, shall think reasonable.
XXXIV. The Court may, if it shall think fit on any decree Permanent ali. for divorce or judicial separation, order that mony: the husband shall, to the satisfaction of the Court, secure to the wife such gross sum, or such monthly or periodical payments of money for a term not exceeding her life as, having regard to her own property Cf any), her husband’s ability and the conduct of the parties, shall be deemed just, and for that purpose may require a proper instrument to be executed by all necessary parties and suspend the pronouncing of its decree until such instrument shall have been duly executed. In case any such order shall not be obeyed by her husband, he shall be liable to damages at her suit, and further to be sued by any person supplying her with necessaries, during the time of such disobedience, for the price or value of such necessaries.
XXXYV. In all cases in which the Court shall make any Payment of ali. decree or order for alimony, it may direct the eae or to same to be paid either to the wife herself or : to any trustee on her behalf to be approved by the Court, and may impose any terms or restrictions which to the Court may seem expedient, and may from time to time appoint a new trustee, if for any reason it shall appear to the Court expedient so to do.
(d) For Restitution of Conjugal Rights.
XXXVI. Where a husband shall haye deserted or without Suit for yrestitu. lawful cause cease to cohabit with his wife, or how of conjugal where a wife shall have deserted or without ae lawful cause cease to cohabit with her husband, the party so deserted or with whom cohabitation shall have so