Jugoslovenski Rotar, Oct 15, 1934, page 6

„As the Club is well aware by this time, three of our members recently had the privilege of visiting Jugo-Slavia, and they enjoyed the most cordial hospitality from members of the Jugo-Slavian Rotary Clubs.

During the very pleasant visit, many friendships were made, and a high opinion was formed of the standard of Rotary in that most attractive country. Since their return, these members and the Club secretary have received letters, newspapers, reports and photographs from members of the Ljubljana, Split, Dubrovnik, Sarajevo, Belgrade and SuSak Clubs- all testifying to the happy spirit of friendship engendered during this visit. May this friendship flourish, and may the link now established between these overseas clubs and our own grow stronger.

We notice with great interest that one of our Royal Princes — lucky man — is about to visit Bled of all delizhtful places, but we doubt whether even a Royal welcome can possibly exceed the Rotary welcome accorded to Our party.“

9.) Nas R. C. Split preselio se je u nove prostorije. Od 3. o. m. drže se

njegovi sastanci u hotelu Bellevue. 10.) Evropski sekretarijat R. I. posetio je na’ dragi brat Dragan Tomljenovié, sekretar R. C. Zagreb. Prisustvovao je i charter-proslavi R. C. Yverdon i posetio više švicarskih klubova. Nadam se, da се пат u narednom broju našega glasila izneti štošta interesantna o svojem lepom putovanju ı o novim rotarskim vezama.

11.) I guverner je pogresiv. Ne znam kako mi se potkrala u poslednjem mesečnom pismu pogreška. Napisao sam naime pod tockom 11.) da je nas klub Osijek priredio na Paliću sastanak, posvećen mladome virtuozu Stevanu Mezeju, a to ne bejaše klub Osijek nego Subotica. Molim da me izyinete!

12.) Novi klubovi: 3705 Manans, Brazilija, 31. julija;

3706 Pisa, Italija, 1. augusta;

3707 Koge, Danska, 2. augusta;

3708 Rivera, Uruguay, 17. augusta;

3709 Narbonne (Aude), Francuska, 11. septembra; 3710 Tenerife (Santa Cruz de), Canary Is., 15. sept.; 3223 (b) Blissfield, Michigan, U.S., 18. septembra; 2534 (b) Colac, Victoria, Australia, 18. septembra.

13.) Brisani klubovi. Prestalo je članstvo R. 1. kluba Quillacollo (Bolivia) dne 18. julija 1934, Whitby (Engleska) dne 28. augusta 1934 1 Tehuacan (Mexico) dne ro. septembra 1934.

14.) Najboljom frekvencom istaknuo se je i u mesecu septembru R. C. Vukovar sa 87'so %. Iskreno čestitam!

Srdačne ı bratske pozdrave šalje Vam vazda odani

Dr. Viljem Krejči, guverner 77. distrikta R. I.
