Jugoslovenski Rotar

se zato već izdaleka oštro razlikuje od njihovih rogastih, sivobelih oblika, ali je takodjer različno od njih i u svojoj unutrašnjosti radi različite geološke strukture.

Glavno je ishodište za Pohorje grad Maribor. Sa železničke pruge Ljubljana —Maribor vidi se od Celja dalje proti severu tamna gorska pruga, koja se gotovo u pravoj crti sastaje s obzorom: to je Pohorje, komu se pred Mariborom približimo na istočnom kraju. Ako se pako vozimo od zapada, iz Celovca, prema Mariboru, nadjemo se pred zapadnim krajem Pohorja u Dravogradu; na daljnoj vožnji do Maribora ide Železnička pruga celo vreme tik na severnoj medji gorja; granicu čini duboko korito Drave, koja si Je u pradavno vreme prodrla i izglodala put kroz negda skupnu gromadu Pohorja i Kozjaka, tako da je sada na levom bregu Drave Kozjak, a na desnom Pohorje. Od Dravograda pa do Maribora proteze se dakle gorje po dužini (oko 50 km); širina mu je poprečno za polovicu manja. Severna je bočina strmija i svršava se na Dravi, kako da si ju Otsekao; zato ti oko uz brzu ı jaku Drayu, koja dere i buči medju hridinama, uživa zanimive prizore. Jaki pad i strme obale uzrokom su takodjer, da se na više mesta izrablja vodena sila Drave, osobito u Fali, gde se je postavljala pred svetskim ratom i za njega orijaška elektrana, po kapaciteti druga u državi, a bila je dovršena odmah po ratu. Drava je takodjer vazna i za transporte pohorskoga drvlja, koje se velikim splavima prevaza u bliznja (Maribor, Ptuj) i daljna pristanista čak do izliva u Dunay. Neprekidno uz obalu teku sa Pohorja u Dravu mnogobrojni potoci brza toka, a uz njih vode u sredinu planine kolovozi, po kojima jaki domaći konji posebne pasmine voze drvo k originalnim pilanama. U potocima, kaošto ı u Dravi ima mnogo plemenitih riba, osobito pastrva, koje ribarska društva racijonalno gaje.

Južna bočina nije tako izrazito otsečena, ima veći broj ı širih predgorja; omedjuju ga dve manje reke, na zapadu Mislinja, a na istoku Dravinja, koje ne teku usporedno sa glaynim smerom Pohorja, nego ga okruzuju u luku, s najvećom udaljenošću u sredini i teku od onud, od izvora, svaka u protivnom

The main starting point for visits to this range is Maribor. From the railway line Ljubljana —Maribor you may see on the nothern side at the distance, after leaving the township of Celye, a long, dark mountain range, touching the horizont nearly in a straight line, this is Pohorye, and before reaching Maribor we get very close to it on its eastern end. If, however, we are passing in the train from Celovec (Klagenfurt) towards Maribor, we stand at Dravograd in front od the western end of the Pohorye range, and continuing our railway trip in this direction we are just passing alongside the northern border of the range all the time. The actual boundary line is the deep bed of the river Drava which in the prehistoric ages must have forced its way through the once compactly closed groups of Pohorye and Kozyak, so that at present there is at the left side of the river the Kozyak and on the right the Pohorye range. From Drayograd to Maribor the range has a length of about s0km, whilst the width may reach half of this distance. The northern slope is steeper and ends at the river Drava as cut off; for said reason interesting scenery may be seen along this mighty river, flowing rapidly and roaring amongst the rocks. The heavy fall and the steep banks give a good opportunity for the use of water power in several places, the best known high power electric plant being situated at the Fala, erected partly before and during the war and finished after the war, in capacity the second largest in the country. On the river Drava there is also timber transported from the woods of Pohorye on big rafts to the neighbouring towns (Maribor and Ptuj) as well as to the farther distant harbours further down the river till it falls into the Danube. All along the river Drava numerous streamlets are rushing down from Pohorye and along them there are tracks for country carts leading to the inside of the mountain range on which logs of timber are being brought down to quaint saw mills by native horses of a special breed. In these streamlets as well as in the river Drava itself there is plenty of choice fish, especially trout,