Jugoslovenski Rotar

smeru. Radi te odaljenosti potoci su tu veći, mirniji, za ribolov Još prikladniji.

Na Pohorje se-polazi od svih triju reka, Drave, Mislinje, Dravinje i njenih pritoka; glavna ishodišta su pokraj Maribora na severu: Limbuš, Ribnica, Ruše, Fala, Sv. Lovrenc, Brezno-Ribnica, Vuhred, Vuzenica; na jugu: Slovenjgradec, Mislinje, Vitanje, Konjice, Slovenska Bistrica, Hoče — sva ta ishodišta, osim Vitanja, imaju železničke postaje ı u svima su Ciste gostionice s dobrom podvorbom: stanovništvo je priviklo na tudjince. Prohtije li se kome da peca ribu, treba da stupi u dodir sa Ribarskim društvom u Mariboru.

Osobine pohorske zemlje utemeljene su u geologiji. Nad pokrajinom, gde sada leži Pohorje, talasalo se u donjem miocenu mladjega tercijarnoga doba duboko more amo u Alpe iz Panonije. Pod zemljom su delovale vatrene sile; u bliznjoj okolici Pohorja bilo je, kako sude geolozi, nekakih 300 Zivih vulkana; njihovom eruptivnom silom premicala se je zemaljska kora, Ginila nabore i lomila se uz strašne potrese. Tamo gde se je zemlja lomila, ulila se lava, koja se је morskim sedimentima pretvorila u ogromni groh (tuf), u najplodniju crnicu, osobito za vinovu lozu — otud plodna pohorska zemlja i plemenito Vino njegovih gorica. — Роћогје је пазе пајveće eruptivno ozemlje koje je nastalo na krizistu dveju velikih prelomnica: ,,Dravske“,

koja se proteze uz Drayu od Karavanki do Maribora, i ,,.Labudske*, koja prelazi iz Labudske u Mislinjsku dolinu. Jezgru Pohorja sastavlja eruptivni kamen; okolo njega skupljaju se kristalasti Skriljevci i sedimenti iz

reared rationally by fishing Clubs and associations. The southern slope is not cut off so characteristically and has several spurs on a broader basis lying in front of it, bordered by two smaller rivers, the Mislinya in the west, and the Dravinya in the east, both of which are not flowing along the main range, but surrounding it in a bow, with the greatest distance in the middle and flowing from there, from the source, each in the opposite direction. On account of this distance being bigger the side streamlets are larger, quieter and more suitable for fishing.

The access to Pohorye is from all the three tivers, Drava, Mislinya, Dravinya and its tributaries. The main starting points, besides Maribor, are in the north: Limbuš, Ribnica, Ruše, Fala, Sv. Lovrenc, Brezno-Ribnica, Vuhred, Vuzenica, and on the southern side: Slovenjgradec, Mislinye, Vitanye, Konyice, Slovenska Bistrica, Hoče, all, except Vitanye, railway stations and provided with wellkept inns, the people in these. parts being accustomed to tourist traffic. As regards fishing it would be necessary to get into touch with the Fishing Society at Maribor.

The particular features of the Pohorye mountain range find their explanation in its peculiar geological construction. Above the country where Pohorye is to be found today there was spreading in the lower miocene of the younger tertiary era a deep sea, reaching from Pannonia to the Alps. Beneath the earth volcanic forces were active; according to the estimation of the geologists there were in the neighbourhood of Pohorye about 300 active volcanoes and under their mountain forming influence the crust of the earth was moving, folding and breaking itself in terrific earthquakes. Where the earth broke lava flowed out, forming with the sea sediments the tuff, the most fertile soil, especially suitable for the vine, being thus responsible for the choice wines of the Pohorye vinyards. — Pohorye is our largest eruptive formation, being the result of the crossing of two large breaking lines, of the Drava line, running along the river Drava from the Caravancs to Maribor, and the Lavant line, passing from the Lavant valley into that of