Jugoslovenski Rotar

raznih geoloških doba od karbuna do najmladjih plasti diluvija ili ledenog: doba. Otud bogatstvo Pohorja na kameninama, zrnatim (granitnim) i staklastim (porfirnim). Izmedju vise vrsta eruptiva, što ih nalazimo na Pohorju, najviše je raširen na istoku tonalit, a na zapadu dacit. Osim njih ima na Pohorju još drugih eruptivnih Zila, osobito amfibolita ili srodnega mu eklogita. No osobito je znamenit sasvim beli marmor, a najlepši je izmedju Žreča i Sy. Kungote; takodjer na južnoj bočini nalazimo lepo išaranoga serpentina. Takav geološki sastav pohorskog masiva tvori osnovu za historički ı gospodarski razvoj kraja ı stanovništva. Eruptivno kamenje pretvorilo se u plodnu zemlju, iz koje je niklo bujno bilje, a duboka plast te zemlje bila je osobito ugodna za šumu; i zaista je bilo Pohorje, pa i danas je jos, izrazito Sumsko gorje s krasnim šumama ı s nekoliko prašuma; danas su te šume modernim uredjivanjem racijonalno negovane kako malo gde u državi pa je trgovina drvom razvita po čitavom Pohorju ı glavno je zanimanje ı u najnovije vreme. Do kraja predjašnjega veka intenzivno se Je izrabljalo šumsko ı mineralno bogatstvo takodjer i za izradjivanje stakla; ostanci i tragovi starih „glažuta“ (ime je još ı sada sačuvano) svedoče nam o toj opsežnoj praindustriji. Mekani obli oblici vrhunaca i slemena te položito nagnute bočine, predrte samo mestimice strmim jarcima — da je kraj slikovitiji —, duboka plast plodne zemlje, pokrita gustom šumom: sve te pogodnosti stvorile su ı do dana današnjega sačuvale Pohorju idealne vodne prilike. Vode se mogu skupljati, promaču u zemlju, ne otiču prebrzo, prigodni veći pad upotrebljava se kao vodna sila; na tvrdoj, kamenitoj podlozi vode su čiste ı zdrave, u dubokim koritima i senastim šumama hladne. Pohorje ne zna ni za sušu ni za povodnji, zato je uzduh nad njim stalno zdrav, ne pretežak ı ne preredak radi srednje visine gorja, kojega se sleme proteže u lakim krivuljama ı diže od госо до 1500 т.

Takove terenske i klimatičke prednosti Pohorja znao je čovek već od pamtiveka da iskoristi; čovečja naselja dopirala su gore u

Mislinya. The kernel of the Pohorye range consists of eruptive rock and about it there are being concentrated crystal slate and sediments from various geological eras, from Carbon down to the most recent formations of the diluvium or the glacier period. This explains the rich supplies of granite and porphyry rocks. Amongst the several classes of eruptives to be found at Pohorye the most widely spread on the eastern side is the tonalite and on the western side the dacite. Besides those there are other eruptive veins, especially the amphibolite and its cousin the eclogite. As a special feature you find here the pure white marble, in the nicest quality between тебе and St. Kungota, whilst on the southern slope you find a nicely coloured serpentine.

This geological structure of the Pohorye range forms a basis for the historical and the economical development of the countryside and its inhabitants. In dissolving themselves the eruptive rocks produced a very fertile soil, especially suitable for forests, and even to-day Pohorye is still covered with nice green woods, formerly primeval forests which are being to-day rationally developed, so that the wood trade and the wood industry has been the chief occupation of the people in these parts in recent times. To the end of the former century the forest and mineral wealth was intensively exploited for the production of glass and even to-day you may still find traces of old works, showing, how important was this old industry in former times. The soft, globelike forms of the summits and mountain crests and the conveniently inclined slopes, broken only here and there by steep gorge-like valleys — to make the picture more interesting — the deep layer of fertile soil, covered with large forests, all these advantages have created and conserved to the Pohorye range ideal watering conditions till to-day. There is no obstruction to the natural drainage, the waters get absorbed easily by the earth, they do not flow away too quickly, a heavier fall is used for water power, on the hard stone ground they are clear and healthy, in the deep beds and shady woods they remain cool. Pohorye does not know either the drought or the inunda-