JUS standardizacija
DK (637.614—675.031.1).001.33:62-777
BS 3935/1974 Classification and marking of cattle hiđes and calfskins
DK 64.06—83
BS 3456:Part 1/1974 Safety of household electiical appliances. Part 1. General re-
DK 661.862.361:546.623'161 :543,24:546.16
BS 4993:Part 1/1974 Aluminium fluoride for industrial use. Part 1. Determination
of fluorine content
DK 661.862.361:546.623'161:543.42:546,284-31
BS 4993:Part 3/1974 Aluminium fluoride for indusstrial use. Part 3. Determination
of silica content
DK 666.!13
BS 5103:Part 1/1974 Permissible limits of metal release from glassware and glass ceramic ware. Part 1. Tableware
and storage vessels
DK 666.—643,353,34):543:615.916'13
BS 5103:Part 2/1974 Permissible limits of metal release from glassware and glass ceramic ware. Part 2. Cooking ware and vacuum flasks
DK 666.943.4
BS 4248/1974 Supersulphated cement
DK 669.5 DIN 1706/74 Zink
DK 675.014:543
BS 1309/1974 Sampling and chemical testing of leather DK 677.017.633.2
BS 5066/1974 The resistance of fabrics to an
artificial shower DK 677.21.064:677.755
BS 1664-8/1974 Woven cotton webbinss of five qualities DK 677.71.01 —677.75.01
BS 5053/1974 Cordđage anđ allied articles
DK 681.3.042 ISO-7-UK
BS 4730/1974 The United Kingdom 7-bit data code (ISO-7-UK) DK 691.58:620. 1
BS 3712:Part 1/1974 Building sealants. Part 1. Homogeneity, specific gravity, eXtrudability, „penetration and
DK 696.113:691.328.5:666.961
BS 2777/1974 Asbestos-cement cisterns
DK 696.12 BS CP 308/1974 Drainage of roofs and paved
areas DK 771.534.5-771.531.3.067
BS 1380:Part 2/1974 Determining the speed of sensitized photographic materials. Part 2. Reversal colour film for stil and cine photography
DK 614.846.6—43:629.118.74
DIN 14 503/74 Feuerwehranhinger, einachsig.
Aligemeine Anforderungen DK 621.315.682:001.4:620.1
DIN 41 611 BI. 2/74 Lotfreie elektrische Verbindungen. Wickelverbindungen. Begriffe. Anforderungen. Prif-
DK 621.316.541:621.372.029.5/.6
DIN 47 233 BI. 2/74 Koaxiale HEF-Steckverbindung 29/66 mit Uberwurfmutter Wellenwiderstand 50 GQ). Anschlus-
DIN 47 234/74 Koaxiale HUE-Steckverbindung 43/98 „Wellenwiderstand 50 O.
DK 621.316.541:621.395.623.7 /.8:621.396.62
DIN 41 529/74 Steckverbinder zum _Anschluss
von Lautsprechern DK 621.316.541:621.396.6
DIN 41 524/74 Dreipolige und fiinfpolige Steckverbinder fir Rundfunk- und
verwandte Geršte DK 621.316.541:621.396.62
DIN 45 322/74 Sechspolige Steckverbinder fur Rundfunk- und verwandte Ge-
rate DK 621.316.541:621.395.623.4:621.396.62
DIN 45 327/74 Fiinfpoliger, Steckverbinder zum Anschluss von Stereo-Kopfho6rern an Rundfunk- und ver-
wandte Geršte DK 621.316.541:621.396.679.4:621.396.62
DIN 45 325 BI. 1/74 Koaxiale Steckverbinder zum Anschluss von Rundfunk·Emp-
fangsantennen. Anschlussmasse
DK 621.352.132 DIN 40 876 BI. 1/74 Galvanische Primširelemente und -batterien. Rundzellen. Rundzel-
le SR 41
Galvanische Prim:irelemente und-batterien. Rundzellen Rundzelle MR 41
DIN 40 876 B1. 2/74
DK 621.382.2:62-192
DIN 41 794 B1. 5/74 Zuverlšssigkeitsangaben fur Einzel-Halbleiterbauelemente und integrierte Schaltungen. Signal-