JUS standardizacija
DK (621.646.2—621.646.5):669.35
BS 5154/74 Copper alloy globe, globe stop and check, check, and gate valves for general purposes
DK 621.646.25:(669.13—669.14) BS 5155/74 Cast iron and carbon steel but-
terfly valves for general purposes DK 621.646.5:669.14 BS 5157/74 Steel gate (parallel slide) valves
for general purposes
DK 621.65:662.94:665.75 DIN 24 220/BI. 1/74 Olbrennerpumpen fur Nabenbefestigung
DK 621.7.06:621.9.06 DIN 69 651/74 Werkzeugmaschinen. Klassifizierung der Werkzeugmaschinen fur Metallbearbeitung. Nummernschema, Kennzahlenschlussel fur Ma-
DK 621.791.019:620.179.152
UNI 7278/74 Gradi di difettosita nelle saldature testa a testa riferiti al controllo radiografico. Dimensioni, simboli ed esempi di applicazione
DK 621.791.753.039:620.1
DIN 8569/B1. 1/74 Stabelektrodenhalter fur das Metall-Lichtbogenschweissen. Grossen. Anforderungen. Prufung
DK 621.798.14:661.185.6:648.58
BS 5167 Packages for washing and cleaning
EN 23/74 powders (dimensions and volumes) DK 621.824.3:669.14—134:620.19:620.179.14
BS 5138/74 Magnetic partice flaw inspection of finished machined solid forged and drop stamped crankshafts
DK 621.86.065.3—418
BS 3481: Part 3/74 Flat lifting slings. Part 3. Dispo-
sable flat lifting slings
DK 621.882.1/.2:669.14:539.4 UNI 3740 Parte 3/74 ~ Bulloneria di acciaio. Prescrizioni techniche. Classi di resistenza e
modalita di prova per Viti
DK 621.882.1/.6:669.14 UNI 3740 Parte 1/74 „Bulloneria di acciaio. Prescrizioni
tecniche Generalita
DK 621.882.1/.6:669.14:620.113 UNI 3740 Parte 8/74 · Bulloneria di acciaio. Prescrizioni tecniche. Collaudo
DK 621.882.1/.6:669.14:621.357.7:621.794.62
UNI 3740 Parte 6/74 Bulloneria di acciaio. Prescrizioni techniche. Rivestimenti galvanici e fosfatici
DK 621.882.1/.6:669.14:621.753.1 UNI 3740 Parte 2/74 Bulloneria di acciaio. Prescrizioni
techniche. Categorie e tolleranze
DK 621.882.1/.6:669.14:621.798 UNI 3740 Parte 9/74 „MBulloneria di acciaio. Prescrizioni tecniche. Confezionamento
DK 621.882.1/.6:669.14:658.782
UNI 3740 Parte 5/74 Bulloneria di acciaio. Prescrizioni tecniche. Contrassegno per lidentificazione DK 621.882.1/.6:669.14:669.58 UNI 3470 Parte 7/74 — Bulloneria di acciaio. Prescrizioni tecniche. Rivestimenti di zinco a
DK 621.882.3:669.14:539.4
UNI 3740 Parte 4/74 „RBulloneria di acciaio. Prescrizioni tecniche. Classi di resistenza e modalita di prova per dadi
DK 621.9.005:621.3
BS 2771 /74 Electrical equipment of machine
tools. General purpose and mass
production machines and their
electronic equipment
DK 621.928.9:620.1
DIN 24 184/74 Tuppruifung von Schwebstoffiltern
DK 621.96:001.4
DIN 9870 BI. 1/74 Begriffe der Stanztechnik. Fertigungsverfahren und „Werkzeuge. Aligemeine Begriffe und alpha-
betische Ubersicht
DK 622.233.5.051 /.053 BS 4441 Part 3/74 Percussive rock-drilling bits, rods and stems. Part 3. Extension dril-
ling equipments (rope threads)
DK 624.014.25:621.791:621.753.1 DIN 8570 B1. 1/74 Freimasstoleranzen fir Schweisskonstruktionen. Lingenmasse und Winkel
DIN 8570 BI. 3/74 » Form und Lage
DK 624.131.537:624.137.2
DIN 4084 Beiblatt/74 „SBaugrund. Standsicherheitsberechnung bei Stutzbauwerken beziehungweise Boschungen zur Verhinderung von Gelinde- beziehungsweise Boschungsbruch. ErIšiuterungen und Berechnungsbeispiele DK 624.151.5.042
DIN 4017 B1. 1/74 Bbl. Baugrund. Grundbruchberechnungen von lotrecht mittig belasteten Flachgrundungen. Erliuterungen und Berechnungsbeispiele
DK 629.73.06—7:003.62 BSI M 44/74 Identification of aircraft servicing, maintenance, ground handling
and safety/hazard points