JUS standardizacija
SIS 95 10 12/75
SIS 9510 13/75
DK 631.3:620.1:614.8 ČSN 47 0132/75
DK 631.53:633.812/083.74/ GOST 3579/75
DK 631.53.01:635.751/083.74/ GOST 20455/75
DK 637.62/083.74/ GOST 6747/75
DK 639.64:620.113/083.74/ GOST 20438/75
DK 648.545 ČSN 36 1618/74
DK 661.7:547.422.22/083.74/ GOST 5.2266/75
DK 661.843.622/083.74/ GOST 2821/75
DK 662.62:531.754/083.74/ GOST 2160/75
DK 662.62.001.4 ČSN 44 1302/74
DK 664.87/083.74/ GOST 5.2267/75
Svinstallsinredning Galtbox Svinstallsinredning Sinsuggsbas Zemedelske stroje zkoušeni zemedelskych stroju z hlediska bezpečnosti a ochrany zdravi pri praci a požarni ochrany
Sazhentsy lavandy nastoyashche]J. Posadochnye kachestva
Semena koriandra. Sortovye i posevnye kachestva Volos krucheny]J.
Vodorosli, travy morskie i produkty ikh pererabotki. Pravila priemki. Metody organolepticheskoj otsenki kachestva. Metody otbora prob dlya laboratornykh ispytanıj
Elektricke zarizeni pro velkokuchyne Elektricke myci stroje
DiehtilenglikoP | Trebovaniya k kachestvu attestovannoj produktsii
Strointsij uglekisly} ·
Ugli burye, kamennye, antratsit i slantsy goryuchie. Metod opredeleniya dejstvitel'noj plotnosti Zkoušky tuhych paliv odber vzorku z černouhelnych sloji
Kontsentraty pishchevye. Pervye ı vtorye obedennye blyuda. Trebovanya k kachestvu alttestovanoj produktsii
DK 665.335.2 BS 5170/75
DK 666.151/083.74/ GOST 5727/75
DK 667.622.114.7:661.847.455 BS 5193/75
DK 667.622.32—121/083.74/ GOST 7195/75
DK 668.52 BS 2999/53 to 57/75
DK 677.752/083.74/ GOST 1768/75
DK 678.063.001.33 BS 5176/75
DK 678.4.001.4/083.74/ GOST 415/75
DK 678.5/.8:003.083 ČSN 640002/74
Specification for Degummed soya bean oil
Steklo ploskoe zakalennoc Specification for zinc phosphate pigment for paints
Krasiteli organicheskie. Pigment krasnyj zh
Specifications. for Essential oils
Shnury shelkovye kruchenye Specification for Classification system for vulcanized rubbers
Kauchuki i rezinovye smesi. Metod opredeleniya plastoehlasticheskikh svojstv na plastometre Plasty „zkratky plastu
DK 678.5/.8:678.01 —543.544.42:678.742:678.048 BS 2782:Part 4: Method 434A/75 Plastics. Part 4. Chemi-
cal properties Method 434 A. The identification of antioxidants and ultra-violet absorbers in polyolefin compounds by thin layer chromatography DK 678.743.41.033.492.2:678.046.36:666.189.211:678.027.7
BS 5184/75
Specification for Glass fibre filled polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) moulding powders
DK 681.6.064.347—621.798.1:681.6.064.347
BS 5183/75
Specification for Printing ribbons used on office machines and data processing equipment and for the marking of ribbon containers