JUS standardizacija


DK 66.026:621.643:669.71-131

BS 5222:Part 1/75 Aluminium paping systems. Part 1. Dimensions, materials and construction of components

DK 66.045.5:624.04 BS 4485:Part 4/75 Water cooling towers. Part 4. Structural desing fo coolign


DK 661.561 TGL 13639/75 Grundchemikalien. Salpetersšure


DK 661.723:547.412.4

PN C-88025/75 Trojchloroetylen techniczny

DK 661.844.321

PN C-84103/75 Chlorek barowy techniczny

DK 662.76:648.336:614.8 BS 5258:Part 3/75 Safety of domestic gas appliances.

Part 3. Drying cabinets

DK 662.9 TGL 21884/75 Wiarme -und Kilteisolierungen.


DK 662.998:699.86:691 :546.08:620.1 BS 2972/75 Inorganic thermal insulating materials DK 663.6.001.4:628.312:543.3:546.47.062

PN C-04596 /01-75 Woda ı scieki. Badania zawrtosci cynku. Oznaczanie cynku metoda ditizonowa

DK 663.63:666.97.022.7 PN C-04630 /75 Woda do celow budowlanych. Wymagania i badania

DK 663.674

TGL 29126/02-75 Speciseecis. Eiskrem. Probenahme

DK 664.6 BDS 2767/75 Suhar

DK 664.854:634.0.892.7 PN A-77605 /75 Przetwory owocowe. Owoce

lesne suszone s

DK 664.858.5:634.23 BDS 419/75 Pulp višnev DK 665.7.066.3:628.334.3

ONORM B 5101/75 Mineralč]-Abscheider

DK 665.62/66:621.43.019.862

PN C-04112/75 Przetwory naftowe. Oznaczanie licszby oktanowej paliw silnikowych metoda badawczq

DK 666.74:691.424

PN B-12029/75 Ceramiczne materialy dekarskie.

Dachowki i gasiory dachowe.


DK 667.612.63:532.13 PN C-81508 /75 Wyroby lakierowe. Oznaczanie czasu wyplywu kubkami wyplywywowymi (lepkosć umowna) DK 674.04.004.4 ONORM B 3801/76 Holzschutz. Grundlagen, Begriffe

DK 674.048:634.0.84i

BS 1282/75 Guide to the Choise, use and application of wood preservatives DK 674.09 BDS 10289/75 Šperplat. Terminologiya

DK 677.643:(677.017.224—677.01743)

BS 4098/75 Determination of thickness, compression and recovery characteristics of textile floor coverings

DK 677.721:621.885

BS 5281/75 Ferrule-secured eye ferminations

for wire ropes

DK 678.057.2

TGL 8943/03-75 Plastverarbeitungsmaschinen.

Kalander. Sicherheitstechnische


DK 678.4.017:620.

BS 2719/75 Use and calibration of pocket type rubber hardness meters

DK 678-416:531.717

PN C-89090 /75 Folie z itworzyw sztucznych. Oznaczanie grubosci

DK 678.743.41:643.352

BS 5206/75 Non-stick hard based plastics coatings: on domestic cookingware DK 681.332.2

Rechenstšbe. Formen und Hauptabmessungen TGL 17980 /75

DK 681.61.062:681.3:681.61.065.1

BS 5231/75 Principles governing the positioning of control keys on keyboards of office machines and data processing equipment

DK 69.025.35::677.017

ONORM S 1416/76 Textile Fussbodenbelšage. Bestim-

mung des Begehkomforts

DK 69.025.35-036:535.683.14::621.327.52

ONORM By 5210/76 Organische Fussbodenbelišge. Prufung der Farbechtheit gegen Xenonbogenlicht

DK 69.025.356.001.4:537.529 ONORM B 5209 Teil 1/76 „Organische Fussbodenbelige. Prufung der elektrischen Eigenschaften. Begriffe und Anwendungsbereiche ONORM B 5209 Teil 2/76 „, Messverfahren