JUS standardizacija


DK 621.316.923.2.012(083.74)

GOST 11277 |/75 Vstavki plavkie na nominal'nye toki do 10 A Ryad nominal'nykh tokov

DK 621.318.562.7

DIN 46 121|/76 Zeitrelais. Masse

DK 621.355.2:621.335 IS 7660 /75 Lead-acid batteries for electric locomotives and electrical multiple


DK 621.385.083(083.74)

GOST 21106.0/75 Lampy generatornye, modulyatornye i reguliruyushchie, moshchnostyu, rasseivaemoj anodom, svyshe 25 Vt. Metody izmerenij ehlektricheskikh parametrov. Obshchie polozheniya

DK 621.387.323.2:621.317.32(083.74)

GOST 18986.15 /75 Diody poluprovodnikovye. Stabilitrony i stabistory. Metod izmereniya napryazheniya stabilizatsii

DK 621.395.614:681.883.43 IS 7709/75 Standard hydrophone

DK 621.649 VSM 77070 /74 Gummischlauche. Durchmesser, Toleranzen, Druckverhšiltnisse

und zugehorige Prufmethoden

DK 621.791.35.04:669.1 /|.6

DIN 1707/76 Weichlote fur Schwermetalle. Zusammensetzung, Verwendung, Technische Lieferbedingungen

DK 621.831 /.833 VSM 15530 /75 Evolventen-Verzahnungen. Toleranzen fur Stirnrider. Modul

1... 40mm

DK 621.878.6(083.74)

GOST 10055 /75 Skrepery samohodnye

DK 621.9.048.4(083.132)

VSM 37550/75 Blatt 2 Elektroerosive Bearbeitung Richtlinien. Begriffe und Kennzeichnung der Anlagen

DK 62—754—477:621.824:621.9

DIN 2208 /76 Werkzeugmaschinen. Laufringe mit StiftlBchern. Masse DIN 2209 /76 » Laufringe mit gerader Nut.


DK 622.233.051(083.74) GOST 21210 /75 Golovki burinye dlya kernopriemnykh ustrojstv. Tipy i OS-

novnyce razmery

DK 622.341.1:539.215.3—+622.341.1—15 :539.215.3(083.74)

GOST 21043 /75 Rudy zheleznye i kontsentraty. Metody opredeleniya udel'noj poverkhnosti DK 625.142.2(083.74)

GOST 8992 /75 Brus'ya derevyannye dlya stre-

lochnykh perevodov zheleznykh

dorog uzkoj kolei

DK 625.7.08:693.542.52 NZS 3105 /75 Concrete mixers (Batch type and

truck type)

DK 628.253.1:625.745.4 DIN 19584 Teil 1/76 Schachtabdeckung. Klasse D. Zusammenstellung DIN 19584 Teil 2/76 » Einzelteile

DK 629. GOST 14076 /75 Pedali mopedov, motovelosipedov, velosipedov. Osnovnye razmery

DK 631.53.011:635.756(083.74) GOST 21236 /75 Semena anisa. Sortovye i posevnye kachestva

DK 637.56:639.2.067/.068(639.4)

NZS 8405 /75 The handling, processing, storage, and distribution of molluscan shellfish

DK 637.56:639.5.067 /.068

NZS 8406 /75 Handling, processing, storage, and distribution of fresh and frozen rock lobsters and frozen rock lobster tails. Metric units

DK 637.61.001.3 NZS 8404/75 Treatment, grading, and classification of green hides (freezer and

abattoir quality)

DK 662.749.363.3(083.74) GOST 2264 /75 Trikrezol kamennougol'nyj tekhnicheskij DK 663.4:543.92 IS 7675 |75 Sensory evaluation of beer DK 667.622.115.1(083.74)

GOST 47875 Krona svintsovye

DK 668.8(083.74) GOST 4014/75 Krasiteli organicheskie. Nigrozin


DK 669.01—422:620.179.16(083.74)

GOST 21120 /75 Prutki i zagotovki kruglogo, kvadratnogo i pryamougol'nogo secheniya. Ul'trazvukovoj kontro!' ehkko-metodom