JUS standardizacija
DK (621.316.3 /.5).027.2—213:621.3—76:621.3—78
Degrees of protection of enclosures of switchgear and controlgear for voltages up to and including 1000 V a. c. and 1200 V d. c.
BS 5420 /77
DK (621.316.542 /.545).
Air-break switches, air-break disconnectors, air-break | switch disconnectors and fusecombination units for voltages up to and including 1000 V a. c. and 1200 V d. c.
BS 5419 /77
DK 621.316.717.027.2:621.313.333:621.316.771
Motor starters for voltages up to and including 1000 V a. c. and 1200 V d. c. Part 3. Rheostatic rotor starters
BS 4941: Part 3/77
DK 621.316.717.027.2:621.313.333.025.3.621.316.765.1
Motor starters for voltages up to and including 1000 V a. c. and 1200 V d. c. Part 2. Reduced voltage a. c. starters, star delta starters
BS 4941: Part 2 /77
DK 621.318.132.04:006.354
Izdeliya iz ferritov i magnitodielektrikov. Klassifikatsiya i sistema oboznachenij
GOST 22187 /76
DK 621.355.2:621.316.717:625.282—843.6
Lead-acid starter batteries for diesel locomotives and railcars
IS 7624 /75
DK 621.365.42:006.354
GOST 16139 /76 Ehlektronagrevateli karbidokremnievye dlya pechej soprotivle-
niya. Tekshnicheskie usloviya
DK 621.372.54:621.314.631
Guide to the use of piezoelectric filters. Part II Piezoelectric ceramic filters
IS 7410 (Part II) /75
DK 621.386.1:616—073.75 IS 7620 /75 Diagnostic medical X-ray equipment 3)
DK 621.436—634 (083.74)
BDS 8884 /76 Gorivo za dizelovi dvigateli
DK 621.642.034:621.772.4:667.661.17
BS 1101 /77 Pressure containers for paint and
other substances
DK 621.762.001.4
BDS 10797 /76 Splavi tv” rdi metalokeramichni.
Opredeleyane na mikrostruktorata
DK 621.791.034
IS 7653 /75 Manual blowpipes for welding
and cutting
DK 621.791.35:669.65
BS 219 /77 Soft solders
DK 621.867.133
BDS 6978 /76 Transportori greblovi. Osnovni
DK 621.924.1:62—187:006.354
GOST 13134 /76 Stanki shlitseshlifovalnye. Normy
DK 628.1
TGL 32418 /75 Wasserversorgung. Zentrale Trinkwasserversorgung lindlicher Gemeinden. Vorbereitung, Ausfihrung, Betrieb und Uberwachung
der Anlagen. Richtlinie
DK 631.313.6:620.1
IS 7640 /75 Test code for disc harrows
DK 631.372:634.0.001.4
Land-und forsttechnische Arbeitsmittel. Aligemeine Prufvorschriften. Funkenabsorbtion von Abgasanlagen
TGL 24626 /31 /75
DK 631.53.01:633.521:006.354
Semena l'na-dolguntsa. Posevnye kachestva. Tekhnicheskie usloviya GOST 12388 /76
DK 631.531
TGL 21166 /75 Saat- und Pflanzgut. Begriffe
DK 633.88:006.354
GOST 22226 /76 Likopodij. Tekhnicheskie usloviya