JUS standardizacija

DK 667.62=-036:678.473.3


DIN 53243/78

Anstrichstoffe. Chlorhaltige Polymere.Prufung

DK 667.62=404:620.113

DIN 53242/78 Teil 2

Rohstoffe fur Anstrichstoffe. Probenahme. Flussigkeiten

DK 667.62-404.2:667.62-404,59

620 113

DIN 53242/78 mneil 3

" Probenahme. Hochviskose Stoffe

DK 667.621.632:665.947.2:

620%1i DIN 55935/78

Anstrichstoffe. Kolophonium An. Technische Lieferbedingun=gen DK 667.622.11.8.2:620.1

DIN 55912/78 Teil 1

Piqmente. Titandioxid-Figmento. Technische Lieferbedingqunqen

DK 668.44:667.621.63:

620. 155.36 ..42 02

DIN 53180/78

DK 669.1.054.8 STAS 6058/78

Prufung von Anstrichstoffen. Bestimmung des Erweichungspunktes von Harzen

Materiale secundare si deseuri feroase

DK 669.14.018.8-122.4-418

JIS G 4306/77

JIS G 4307/77

DK 669.14-413 STAS 505/76

DK 669.14-447-462.

621.882 JIS G 3471/77

DK 669.14-422 STAS 1800/77


Hot Rolled Stainless Steel Strips

Cold Rolled Stainless Steel Strips

Otel laminat la cald. Table groase. Conditii tehnice de calitate


Corrugatedđ Steel Pipes and Sections

Otel rotund calibrat. Dimensiuni

DK 669.15!782.9!26-198: 543.05

STAS 11033/1L/78 Ferosilicocrom. Indieatii generale pentru efectuarea

analizei chimice

DK 669.15!782.9'26-198: 546.18 STAS 11033/75/78 " Determinarea continutului de fosfor

DK 669,15”782.9/”26=198:

546.26 STAS 11033/4/78 " Determinarea continutului de carbon

DK 669.15'782.9!26-198:

546.76 STAS 11033/3/78 " Determinarea continutului de siliciu STAS 11033/3/78 " Determinarea

continutului de crom

DK 669.3-422:669.35-422

JIS H 3250/77 Copper and Copper

Alloy. Rods and Bars

DK 669.3-426:669.35-426

JIS H 3260/77 Copper and Copper

Alloy Wires DK 669.4-462:621.643.21: 62815

JIS H 4312/37?7 Lead Pipes for Water


DK 669.5.018..28

DIN 1743/78 Tejš


DK 669.5.018,208: 621.74.002.6-

DIN 1743/78 " Gusstucke aus Druck-, Teil 2 . Sand-unda Kokillenguss

DK: 676,36:0.06. 354

GOST 7821/78 Kalf'ka bumazhnaya svetoshuvstvitel'nava diazotipnaya. Tekhni-

cheskie usloviya

DK 676.072-462:006.354

GOST 11945/78 Trubki fibrovye. *; Tekhnicheskie uslo-
