JUS standardizacija

DK 633.82/ .84:543.812 BS 4585

Part 2/82 Methods of test for Spices and condiments

Part 2. Determination of molisture content (entralnment met-


DK 665.637.8:625.85 BS 3690

Part 1/82 Bitumens for bullding and civil engineering

Part 1' Specification for bitu-

mens for road purposes

DK 665.775.001.4:625.752 ONORM B 3680 Teil 2/82 Prufung bituminoser Masen fur den Strassenbau und verwandte Gebiete. Auswertung der Pruf-


DK 666.972.165:693.542.4 BS 5075 Part 1/82 Concrete admixtures. Part 1. Specification for accelerating admixtures, retarding admixtures and water reducing admixtures JK 675.014:543.812 ONORM S 7005/82 Pruffung von Leder Bestummung des Wassergehalt-


DK 675.014:543.822 ONORM S 7006/82 Prufung von Leder

Bestimmung der Gesamtsulfatasche und wasserunloslichen


DK 675.014:543.85 ONORM S 7007/82 Prufung von Leder

Bestimmung des Gehaltes an durch Dichlormethan extrahi-

erbaren Bestandteilen

DK 676.017.25+(676.017.55:531.424) BS 3983 Part 1/82 Thickness and apparent density of paper and board

Part 1. Method for detrmining the bulking thickness and app-

arent density of paper

BS 3983 Part 2/82 Thickness and apparent density of paper and board

Part 2. Method for determining the single sheet thickness of paper and board and apparent density of board

DK 676.017.72:655.32.001.4

BS 4885/82 Method for | Determining the printing properties of paper: preparation of a letterpress print of paper for test purposes

DK 676.255:663.974:001.4:620.1:539.217.5

DIN/ISO 2965/82 Werkstoffe, die als Zigerettenpapier verwendet werden Bestimmung der Luftdurchlassigkeitt DK 677.017.632.2 BS 3702/82 Method of test for Determination of resistance of textile fabrics to surface wetting (spray


DK 677.055.682:001.4 DIN/ISO 1025/82 Textilmaschinen und Zubehor Teillkettbaume fur Kettenwirkmaschinen Terminologie und


DK 678.743.22—415:615.47 BS 3878/82 Specification for Flexible PVC sheeting for hospital use

DK 678.762.2:678.01 BS 5047/82 Methods of test for Solution: -polymerized types of raw bu-

tadiene rubber (BR)

DK 69.025.35:614.841.411 ONORM B 3810/82 Vornorm Ausstat-

Prufung von

Brandverhalten von ungsmaterialien Bodenbelagen

DK 691.771.028.1:006.354

GOST 24584—81 Dveri iz alyuminiev'yikh splavov dlya obshchestvenn'yikh zdanij. Tip'yi, konstruktsiya i razmery


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Standardizacija, 1982./br. 5—