JUS standardizacija

OC 300000

IEC 384—1 Amendment No.2

(includes Amdt No. 1 1985)

IEC 384—1 Amendment No.3

OC 300100

OC 200i01

OC 300200

IEC 384—15_

Amendmenit 'No.1

GaC 300201

OC 30020 G50001

OC 200201 USGDO01

OC 300201 US0002


Amendment No. 1.

GG 300201 UuS0003

OC 300201 US0004 Amsnanisnt No.1

Amendmerit No.1

OC 300201 USO0005

Amendment No. 1

IEC 384-15-2 OC 300202

OC 300202 GB0001

OC 300202 USO001

OC 300202 USO0002


1982 1987

Generic specification. Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment

Concerns Clauses

227, 22.11, 2.2.17, 2.2.32·to 38, 3.4.2 b), \3.5.1

45, 4.6, 47.1, 4.82, 4.10, 4.11, 423, 4.30, 4.31, 4.32 Adds Appendix C, Guide for pulse testing oT capacitors

Additional terms and methcds of test applicable to chip capacitors

Sections! specification. Fixed poiyethylene-terephatzalate film dielectric meta! fo:il d.c.capacitors .

Blank detail specification. Fixed polyethylene-terephtalate film dieiectric metal Toil d.c. capacitors. Assessment levoei E S

Spctional speciTication. Fixed taritalum capacitors with non-olid or solid electrolyte Concerns 2.2.5, Tables | and |I, and 4.14. Adds 4.i7 and 4.18 on solvent resistancs

Blank detail specification. Fixed tantalum capacitors with solid electro!yte and porous anods. Assessment leve] E

Fixed tantalum capacitor with solid electrolyte and porous anods. Resin dipped, radial terminst:ons. lyps TAP

rixed tantalum capacitors with solid electrolyte and porous anode with wire lead terminals. Hermetically sealed, axial lead, polarized, insulated

Fixed tantalum capacitors with solid electrolyte and porous anode with wire lead terminals. Hermetically sealed, axial lead, polarized, insulated. For high frequency applications. 1 ypical construction: Mietal alloy case with solderable nickel leads arid class/metal seal

Ameands pages 1,2 and 14

Fixed tantalum capacitors with solid electrolyte and porous anode, with radial ieads. Typical construction: Plastic encapsulated, radial iead, polarized

Fixed tantalum capacitors with solid electrolyte and porous anode with vire iead terminals. Polar, axial leaded, moided, non-nermeticaliy saa!ed

Amencis page 13

Fixed tantalum '·capacitors with solid electrolyte and porous anode with wire |sad terminals. Roctangular, subminiaturs, non-hermetically ssaled, plastic ancapsulated, polarized, insulared, axial lead

Amends page 13

Fixed tantalum capacitors with solid electrolyte and porous anode with wire lead termina!s. Rectangular, subminiature, non-hermstically sealed, plastic encapsulated, polarized, insulated, radial lead

Amends page 13

Blank detail spscification. Fixed tantalum capacitors with non-solid electrolyte and porous anode. Assessment leva] E

Fixed tantalum capacitors with non-solid electroiyte and porous anodes. Giass to metal seal, tubular metallic case , insulated, all tantalum component

Fixed tantalum capacitors with non-olid electrolyte and porous anode. Typical construction: i antalum case, axial lead, hermeticaliy sealed, polarized, insulated

Fixed tantalum capacitors with non=olid electrolyte and porous anode. Typical con·struction: Silver plated copper alloy case, axial lead, elastomeric seal, polarized, nickel

_ positive, copper negative leads

Standardizacija 1989./br. 7 — 12