JUS standardizacija
OG 300801 1986 Fixed tantalum chip capacitor. Style 1 protected — Standard capacitance range. Polar, US0O001 non-hermetically sealed
dop.1 OG 300801 1986 Fixed tantalum chip capacitors. Style protected — Extended capacitance range. Polar, US0002 non hermetically sealed dop.l1 POC 321 1994 Sectional specification. Fixed tantaium chip capacitors vvithi solid electroiita. (US) being withdrawn POC 32 1984 Blank detail specification. Fixed tantalum chip capacitors. Assessment level E (US) being _ withdravvn POC 32 1985 Fixed tantalum chip capacitor. Polar. Solid electrolyte. Metallised terminations. Style GB80002 1 — protected. Type TAO POG 32 1987 Fixed tantalum chip capacitor. Polar. Solid electrolyte. Metallised terminations. Style GB0003 1. Type TAJ POC 46 1984 Sectional spacification. Fixed mica dielectric d.c. capacitors. (GB) extended POC 47 1985 Blank detaji specification: Fixed mica dielectric capacitors. Assessment levai E. (GB) extended OC 301200 1982 Sectional specification. Fixed metalizad poiypropylens iilm dielsccric d.c. cepacitors IEC 389—16 1987 Adds 14.14. Component solvant resistance, arid 14.5 Solvent resistanca of tha marking Amendment No.1 OC 301201 1982 Blank dstaii specification. Fixed metaliized poiypropylene film dielectric d.c. capacitors Assessment level E IEC 384-1G-1 1987 Concarns 2.1.2 Amsndment No.1 OC 301300 1987 Sectionai specification. Fixed mgtailized polypropylene tilmi dielectric d.c. and pulsa capacitors [OX( 301301 1587 Blank detail specification. Fixed metallized polypropylsne film dielactric-e.c. and pulsa capacitors. Assessment level E ac 301700* 1988 Sectional specification. Fixed polycarbonata film dielectric metal foil d.c. capacitors OC 301701 1988 Blank dotail specification. Fixed polycarbonate film disleczric motal foil d.c. capacitors. Assessment lavei E | OC 301900 1989 Sectional spacification. Fixed multilayer ceramic chip capacitors OC 301901 1989 Blank detaii specification. Fixed multilayer caramic chip capacitors. Assessment level E GG 301901 1987 Fixed multilayer ceramic chip capacitors. Assessmant level E | JPOOO1 ac 301901 1987 Fixed multilayer ceramic chip capacitors. Assessment level E JPOO02 POC revieW Sectional specification. Fixed chip capacitors with metallized electrodes and polyetnylene-terephtalate dielectric CMC (U.S.A) 54 June 1989 POC 76 1988 Generic specification. Surge protective devicos (JP) POG. 77 1988 Measuring and testing methods for surge protoctivs devices {JP} POC 78 1988 Seciional specification. Surge protectiva aas discharge tubes (JP) POC 79 19883 Blank detail specification. Surge protective gas discharga tubes (JP) POC 80 1988 Sectional specification. Surge protective varistors. (JP) PO.GP 2811 1988 Blank detail specification. Zinc oxide varistors. (JP)
* Incorrectly shown as OC 300700 on the printed publication.
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Standardizacija 1989./br. 7 — 12