JUS standardizacija


OC 400000 IEC 115—1

. Amendments No.2

IEC 115—1Amsndment No. 3

OC 400100 OC 400101 OC 400101 CNO9O01

OC 400101 CNODO2

OC 450151 JPOODO3

OC 400101 JPO004

QC 400101 SUDODI

OC 400101 SUGO02

GG #00101 SU0005

OC 400101 USO001

OC #00101 USO0002

OC 400101 US0003

OG 400200 OC 409201 OC 400201 G59001

[010] 400201 USO0DOD1

610 400201 USO0002

OC 400201 USO0DD3

OC 400201 US0O0DO4

OC 400350 OC 400301 OC 400400 Amrnendment No. 1

OC 400401 OG 400401 JPOOO1

OG 400401 JPOODO2

OC 400401 US0001


1982 1987

1982 1983 1984

1982 1983 1983



1984 Amended 1985

Generic specification. Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment

(includes Amendment No. 1, 1983) Adds accidental overload test for low-Dower non-wirewound resistors, single and periodic pulse high voltage overload voltage tests, component solvent resistance and solvent resistance of the marking

Additional terms and methods of test applicable to chip resistors

Sectiona! speciTication. Fixed low-power non-wirewound resistors Blank detail specification. Fixed low-power non-wirewound resistors. Assessment |sval Fixed low-power non-wirewound resistors. Metal film resistors, Type RJ 14 Fixed low-power nonwirewound resistors. Carbon film resistors, Type nT 14 Fixsda low-power non=virewound resistors. Metal oxida film resšistos

Fixed low- power non-wirewound rasistors. Metal film resistors

Fixed low-power nonwirewound resistors. Thin film metal dislectric a.c, arid d.c. resistors Fixed low-power nonwwirewound resistors. Thin film metal dielectric a.c. and d.c. resistors Fixed low-power non-wirewound thin film metal dielectric a.c. and d.c. resistors

Fixed low-power non-wirewound resitors. Insulated. Metal film. Stability class 0,5 % Fixed low-power non-wirewound resistors. Insulated. Srandard #ilm Fixed low-ower non-wirewound resistors. Insulated. Carbon film

Sactional specification. Fixed power resistors

Blank detail specification. Fixed power resistors. Assessment leva] E

Fixed power vrirewound resistors. Non-insulated. T ypical construction: Vitrepous enamel or rpasin protection. Stability class 5 %

Fixed power resistors with axial leads. Wirewound, with vitreous ensmsl coatina. Insulated. Stability class 5 %

Fixed power wirewound resistors. Insulated. Stability class 0,5 %

Fixed power wirewound resistors. Insulated. Stability class 5 %

Fixed power wirewound resistors. termination

Sectional specification. Fixed precision resistors

Blank dotail spscification. Fixed precision resistors. Assessment level E

Sectional specification. Fixed resistor networks with individualy measurable resistors.

Wirewound insulated heat sink resistors with rigid

Adds Anpppvndix A, Standardized schematic diagrams and pin indetifications tor Tixed resistor networks.

Biank detail specification. Fixed resistor netwvorks with individually measurable resistsors, all of equal value and equal dissipation. Assessment level! E

Fixed resistor network with individualiy measurabie resistors, all of equal value and equal dissipation. Sina!e-in-line with connected resistors

Fixed resistor network with individually measurable resistors, all of equal value equal dissipation. Single-in-line with isol!ated resistors

Fixed resistor networks with individually measurable resistors all of equal value and equal dissipation. Single-in-line with all resistors connected. Typical construction: Thick film circuit. N = 4 to 12. Stability class 1 %


Standardizacija 1989./br. 7 — 12