RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

which prevent affirmation of new types of information for the self-managing decision making. 3. More researches should be devoted to the place and role of radio and television in the system of delegats. The studies of the programme workers should be more courageous as well as the analysis of the development and efficiency of new organizational forms by means of which RTV institutions become more social. 4. Ву our researches we should fmd out whether radio and TV programmes аге made in accordance with our self-managing interests and whether they coordinate them looking for mutual social interests. The researches should help to make programmes which will cherish in the best way the influence of the most progressive forces of socialist social awareness. 5. It is necessary to transform one-sided orientation of the researches into the informative function of the media. This field was favored and the other task were neglected (cultural, educational, etc.) partialiy due to exaggerated relying on foreign experiences. The essence of the researches should be in total social and cultural influences ot radio and T V, determining their priorities and characteristics, as well as analysing of the programme and programming. 6. It is necessary to connect the theoretical knowledge with studying of the communication practice in our self-managing society. 7. The cooperation with other research organizations in repubhcs, provinces and in the whole country should be better in the future. It should be based on the planned division of labour and long-term programmes. We do not only want to cooperate in the field of quantitative and descriptive researches of the pubUc but also in the field of studies of social effects of radio and television communication. This cooperation should improve the development of the programmes of both media m order to make them even more influential components of self-managing integradon m Vugoslav sociaUst self-managing commumty.