RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue, Jan 01, 1979, page 184
critic’s award. The most widely read TV reviews, after those in »Politika« are those in »Nin« - »Sjaj i beda Televizije«, the most frequent reviewer in which is Bogdan Tirnanić (23 TV writers follow »Nin« regularly). TV reviews in Zagreb’s »Studio« are the third most popular (followed regularly by 20 writers). There then foUow reviews in »TV Novosti« written under the pseudonym of »Spektator«. In fifth place corae reviews in »TV revija« written by Dragoslav Adamović and in sixth place Dimitrije Pekić’s reviews in »Večernje novosti«. The foUowing order is: »Vjesnik«,»Borba«,»Stop«, »Delo« (Ljubljana), »Ekspres«, »Dnevnik« (Ljubljana), »Duga«, »Oko«, »Večernji list«, »Ekran«, »Ilustrovana pohtika«, VEN, VUS, »Svijet«, »Oslobođenje«, »Književne novine«, »Odjek«, »Komunist«, Tanjug’s buUetin, »Večer«, »Nova Makedonija«, »RUindja«, and »Dnevnik« (Novi Sad), Do уои consider that уоиг reviem it]fluence television vvriters and the creation of TV programmes and programme policy? In the questiormaires which we sent to those involved in the creation of television programmes and teievision critics we started from the assumption that their positions vis-a-vis the same subject must be examined in a compiementary way. In order to reach a specific position, the questiormaires must also contain a certain number of specific questions which refer to only one of the two professions. This is why we sent the above question to the critics. From their rep Ues it can be concluded that where television and programme creators аге concerned, the critics have no Ulusions whatsoever. Even the most widely-read critic Oiga Božičković rephed to this question with a decisive »No«. AU enquiry participants share her opinion with the exception of three, Certain of them qualified the categorical reply with »They do not have sufficient influence« ог »Not especiaUy«. WhUe Branka Malčić, critic for Zagreb's »Vjesnik« repUed optimistically »I should not say they have a direct influence, but they frequently lead to talks ahd discussions with TV writers which аге mutuaUy useful«, Igor Mandić repUed »Yes, they influence them, but only in as much as they particularly anger (or please) them, without апу considerable consequence to their work and positions«. He adds that his reviews аге quite widely read in »cultural circles« and in TV »Which I can see by the number of doors closed!« and by the public at large, but this is in fact a reply to the next question put to the critics »Do you know whether your texts аге read and how the reading public react to them?