RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue, Jan 01, 1979, page 192
Stjepan Košarog, critic on the Zagreb »Studio«, considers that T\ reviewing, is not a privilege of journalism and cannot, with certain individual exceptions, be considered as a profession.« What do TV reviews lack? An analysis of the replies from television writers shows that they are far less tolerant of the occasional and »on the side« writing of TV reviews, that they аге, possibly, acquainted with the papers requirements, but they do not accept them as the status quo and do not accept superficial remarks as an evaluation of their own wor& on TV. There was hardly a single reply which could lead to the conclusion that TV directors, cameramen, scenarists ог reporters аге satisfied with the reviews they read in the press. We shall illustrate this conclusion. Zaharije Trnavčević, director and introducer of many Belgrade TV programmes wrote: »If a play put on m the theatre is assessed by an excellent judge, an essayist,l do not see why a television programme, which is watched by a hundred times more people and which has a major influence on cultural life, is not also assessed by quahfied critics and covering more space than the present »star ratings« and other similar assessments. TV reviews also have the task of teaching TV workers, helpmg them and, on the other hand, developing the taste of the viewers and their cnfical view of the programmes offered by television«. For this approach to television reviews, as described by Trnavčević, there is a lack, according to Pera Radović, Sarajevo TV reporter, ol »expertise, knowledge of the media and independence vis-a-vis theatre and film ttraditional) observation and assessment«. Karol Viček, this aear's winner of the Porotorož director’s award, wntes that »instead of merely narrating the subject matter, reviews should present an analysis of the camera work,acting,directmg an pom out what is new, what has been borrowed, what represents an innovation and what is a сорру; it should observe the T personalities - reporters, directors, and closely foUow the development of TV writers...« »The critic should have freedom of movement within the mediumo, television and deal more with the »how« than with the »what«, that is, he should be able to see what is a good idea and what is good production« is the opinion of MUa Stanojev.ć Byford director and scenarist for TV Belgrade, She is of the opimon that: »TV reviews аге written in an amateur way and most frequently based merelv o impression«.