RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue, Jan 01, 1979, page 191
Out of the thirty critics from all the Yugoslav daily anđ weekly papers which саггу regular IV reviews, the repiies'of the critics themselves show that there are only three journaiists who »in the main« write only TV reviews. These critics аге Olga Božičković (Politika), Dimitrije Pekić (Večernje novosti) and Kiara Kecelj (Madjar Szo, intended for Hungarian nationais). All other writers mentioned that they deai with the following: journaiism, cultural subjects, films, theatre reviews, film theory, cartoons, play-writting, cultural and social context, reporting, information, chronicles, education, political and cultural relations, the living standard and problems facing the family, women and ’ the home... Iv is certain that many of these subjects аге an essential basis for know!edge of socio-political and cultural trends including television and, therefore, they can do no harm, in the educational sense of the word, to tiie reporter who writes criticism and reviews. Do such activities, however, leave him enough teim for that other duty, the watching of television over a period of hours? This is the profession we chose. On the assumption that it is rather tiring to watch television continual!y and write about it regularly alongside other obligations at work, we put the foliowing question to the critics: Are уои satisfied with the conditions in which уои follow TV programmes and do уои wish to continue writing TV reviews or not? ihe majority of critics mentioned the situation and requirements of the papers for which they write, considering this to be inexorably Imked with their own possition. Thus see themselves as being forced to adapt to editoriai requirements. This is why the majority of critics replied that they wished to write reviews »from time to time«, »on the side«, »yes, but not just that«, »depending on the paper’s requirements« etc. Dimitrije Pekić noted that the writing of TV reviews is not a job which is sufficiently respected, but that the relationship is the same as in regard to culture in general, aithough reviews are widely read. He wili continue to write TV reviews, »althought is boring, for there is по inspiration or freshness in the programmes, but it is a profession«. His opinion is also shared by Olga Božičković, who considers that the attitude towards TV reviews fits »into the attitude towards cultural columns«.