RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

thought-provoking atmosphere and a spirit which is only possible on television. The symbol of televisual creativity could be described as the feeling of the writer, the personality, the creator who has discovered his own way of expressing his inspiration, his ability and above ah the age in which we live through television. This acknowledgement to television could арреаг an apologia if it did not contain its own denials, i.e., the TV trash which was also аД too often broadcast at this Festival. Such programmes sink so comfortabiy into a middle-class atmosphere of artificial flowers and sentimental nostalgia. An example is the programme by Dragan Jerković Biljana iz Šafhauzena (Biljana from Shaffhausen. This programme is about children whose parents Uve and work abroad and their straggle to leam their mother language). Documentary programmes tend to be taking a new, more direct path - by bringing distant countries closer to the viewer in the right way. The characteristic of the programmes by Вога Mirković is to be in the right place at the right time. When events in Greece were in the centre of world interest, he went to Greece. Thanks to him we were able to hear about the real situation in Italy during the election campaign. The same thing happened in the interview with the French president Giscard d’Estaing not to mention aU the other programmes in the series Bela knjiga (The White Book), which was represented at the festival by the programme Kokošje perje leti u nebo (Chicken Feathers Fly into the Sky). This is a report on China after the death of Mao Tse-tung and soon after the rehabihtation of Teng Hsuan Ping. Although it was made at a moment when the situation shown was very topical, it would not have been so effective if Вога Mirković had used the usual, weU-worn TV cliches instead of his own original ideas. A very good programme produced by the Novi Sad studio, caUed Putokaz vremem (A Signpost to the Age) about the visit of President Tito to USSR, Когеа and China, was also shown in the documentary section. The exceUent cameras of Petar Latinović and Slavuj Hadžić showed the essential characteristics of this visit from the pohtical viewpoint but they also showed that this visit and the welcomes accorded Presiđent Tito were very visuaUy very interesting in their spectacle. The topical documentary report produced for Skoplje TV by Ivan Andrevski about solidarity flats should also be mentioned. Andrevski initiates an enquiry into the very difflcult situation regarding these flats. He tries to fmd out who the flats are meant for, who uses them and who rents them (thus contradicting the basic intention that they аге soUdarity flats). Sarajevo TV writer, Smiljko Šagolj, attempts something sirrular. He tries to get to grips