RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

with the technocratic management policy of a group of people in the »Asfalter« сотрапу who are forming the same сотралу for the third time. Šagolj succeeds in confronting some of the people who аге involved in this affair. Both these reports touch on subjects which аге very topical in Yugoslavia but which can be rarely seen on television. However, althought these programmes аге very new in content, this novelty does not extend to the visual treatment The pace is slow and there are frequent close-ups of the participants. NEW TV CONTENT Of the тапу programmes shown at the Festival some had already been shown on the regular television programme. It is not quite clear why some of the programmes were shown at the Festival at аИ but still there were still some which proved that television always possesses new possibihties of expression. Such was the television essay by Bora’Draškovič, Paradoks o glumcu (The Actor’s Paradox) which was produced by Sarajevo TV and shown in the educational section. This was a genuine television programme and cannot be read Uke a book ог seen Uke a play. It is a deep, thought-provoking programme in which the writer, talking himself about actors, evokes their lucid moments in which such well-known Vugoslav actors as Ljuba Tadić and Rade Šerbedžija discover the essence of their profession in a way which cannot be achieved by a journalist in an interview or by a critic in a review. From the viewer’s angle it represents a real meeting with these actors although they тау have watched them тапу times before. A programme caUed Padež za mladež (Say it Right), directed by Dragomir Zupanc with a script written by poetess Mirjana Stefanović belongs to the same genre. This programme is an interesting rnkture of speeches, poetry and animation, and underlines mistakes which often occur in the language and shows the way in which they should be corrected. In this way an educational subject is brought closer to children in a new, acceptable way, which means that the possibiUties of the medium were exploited in the right way. Although the above-mentioned programmes and some other programmes such as that by Adem Masmurati called Fizičko vaspitanje i zdravlje (Physical Education and Health) produced by Priština TV and several other informative, documentary and contact programmes for children have educational characteristics, there is no real educational programme. The conclusion made after last year’s festival can be reiterated - in тоге developed societies than ours in which there is no i!Uteracy, themes about science and its achievements and humorous educational plays would be very attractive and acceptable to viewers of various education levels. in our situation it is rather a case of »let Шет eat cake«.