RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

Television Zagreb began to operate on Мау 15, 1956; the second channel was initiateđ on November 29, 1972. Both programs complement each other: the first treats vital issues and matters of general interest while the second is mostly documentary, entertaining as vvell as artistic in nature. Average yearly broadcasts on the first channel total 3,820 hours, and on the second - 1,830 hours. That means that the average daily broadcasting is about 16 hours on both channels, Of that, two hours are devoted to the educational program and Wi hours feature various other types of programs. The remaining eight hours аге used to present programs from the other Yugoslav television studios. The greater part of its own television production is done in Zagreb, but the regional radio-television centers are gradually working on independent productions vvhich will be transmitted via the joint television network. Zagreb is also the site of a technical center for the exchange of Eurovision news programs, which аге taken up by the other television studios in Yugoslavia. LOCAL RAĐIO BROABCASTING The development of local radio, broadcasting is especially encouraged by the requirements of the Yugoslav society, v/here complete information dissemination to citizens on all levels is an essential feature of self-management. The broad expansion of local radio stations is one of the fundamental factors in the rebirth which radio is undergoing, despite the rapid expansion of television. Some of the more-developed local radio stations have succeeded in becoming a powerful source of information as well as a spearhead in the expansion of mass culture and the representation of their environmental values. While in 1960 Yugoslavia had only six local stations, at the beginning of 1977 there were 180 local stations operating in all the republics and provinces. The founders of the local radio stations аге the commune assemblies ог the Conference of the Socialist Alliance of the Working People of Yugoslavia. A great number of local radio stations, whose power on the MW is between 100 W to 10 kW, broadcast their own programs, transmit parts of the home station programs and collaborate in the preparation of joint programs.