RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue, Jan 01, 1979, page 24

In order to more effectively cooperate on the presentation of programs and the solution of business problems, the local radio stations have organized themselves in republican and provincial associations. IN CLOSING The needs of the further development of our society in terms of production and socio-political trends demand increasingly improved communication among the self-managers on different levels of organization, as well as a communication system for the work organizations and territorial communities which, coupled with the republican and provincial radio and television systems, will form a complex communications network. The further development of the mass communications media will be the result of socio-economic and organizational technica! components (mini-techniques, satellites and other innovations) as well as the creative abilities of the radio and television employees in carrying out strategic policy and the specific theoretical-methodological principles relevant to the operations of electronic media in the self-managing society. !n the future, communications will more rapidly shake free traditional concepts and authoritarianism. The self-manager in the process of mass communications media will increasingly grow from the object of information dissemination into a subject who individually observes, evaluates and judges, thus participating in the solution of problems regarding his working and living environments as well as the overall society. In this connection, radio and television will increasingly abandon the role of information transfer and become a tool in the exchange of opinions in a historically new process of social communication. This future self-managing concept of communications is being built by associations of free producers who independently dispose of the results of their labor. This gives a historical stamp to the development of radio and television activities in Yugoslavia.