RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

o№/riS;f“? h f erS V anCl РГoBГаЛ,га ' С0 “” сЉ ' edi.orial . tors ш-chief, self-management organs and socio-ooliticai rgamsations ш the public information cohectives аЛ plav ole ш the realisation of social influence. Social must regardedas a whole a nd its realisation founded on the *f nt of 10 ‘ nt obhgations and rights in the scope of the ompetency and tasks of individual sociaJ factors .o a £'?ompS ТСШOПВ « Cntical assessments of the present situation shown that social mfluence ш the mformation media is on the increase andthathe results achieved have created the basis for further q uStah4e thl fn eS H nd im P rovements - Here the ouestion arises as to the role of соипсГ" 3 РOBШOП and Гolе ° f P ublishhl ß and progrmnme FOUNDERS’ ROLE In the changed and supplemented Law on the Public Information it may be n foundld te h n f e^ spa - Der Ш hr oadcasting organisatio’ns f ђУ ' h£ fol ° Wmg: s °cio-political communities, socio-pohtical orgamsations, organisations of associated iabour self-management commumties of interest and other self-management orgamsations and communities, The Law therefore provides ampie oportunity for ail organisations ог § апКшпГ еГеГlеo *° newspaper and broadcastmg The way the Law is impiemented does, however, vary in practice Belgrade Radto-Teievision was, for exampie, founded by Ље Assembly of the Sociahst Republic of Serbia. The »Politika« newspaper pubhshing house was founded by the Repubiican Conference of the Sociahst Aihance of Serbia, while the »Politika« have k heenf UnC H bas ltself founded other or gans. Youth newspapers W.r.v ! ded by , the Republican Conference of the League of j l ’ rUral Papers by the Co-operative Association of ugoslavia, educational workers’ papers by the Union of Social Activities. Regionai and municipai organs have been founded by the whufL e rt° eS ° f the Sociajist Alliance ancl the municipal assemblies, while factory papers have been founded by self-management organs' n organisations of associated iabour, assemblies or workers’