RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

councils. Мапу questions arise when speaking of the numerous founders realising their own various interests. Where the law is concerned, a number of questions have been settled as concerns the place, role, rights and responsibilities of the founder. In our legal document, the basic rights and duties of the founder are defmed as follows: the founder establishes the fundamentai programme concept of the paper or radio station and is responsibie for its implementation: it forms publishing and programme councils; it establishes the principles of personnel policy, nominates management organs and editors-in-chief; it passes foundation acts; it examines the organisations’ activity and the implementation of the programme concept; it gives consent to the expansion of activities, if some organisation so wishes, and deals with material matters. It is also stipulated that the relations between the founder and the collective are to be regulated by a self-management agreement. In practice, however, the founders’ role does not look like this often enough. We have not yet adequately elaborated a number of relations between founder and informative organisations and in some cases onlv the act of foundation has been achieved. Although results vary with the leve! of success achievied by organisations, it remains that a number of questions concerning the founder-organ relation need to be elaborated more completely and in accordance with the character and role of the organ. This is also a question of the responsibility of the founder itself, for the act of founding implies extensive obligations, which in turn requires an active relation оп the part of the founder as concerns editorial policy, material and personnel problems, etc. It must therefore be recognised that these relations must be elaborated more clearly which will result in making the responsibiiities and rights of the founder greater and more influential in practice. PLACE AND ROLE OF PUBLISHING AND PROGRAMME COUNCILS IN THE LAW ON PUBLIC INFORMATION Publishing and programme councils play an important role in the realisation of particular social interest. The development of concrete forms of social influence, as is especially stressed in the outlines for the implementation of the conclusions and documents of the XI LCY Congress, can be successfully accomplished with the