RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

substance as well. The metaphorization of the TV picture and of sepuences then transforms the television presentation from a strictlv sensory analogue of specific hving events, into a symbolic structure by which is revealed the semantic strata of a message, and the process itself of conceptualizing the message is transferred from the level of sheer sensory perception to the level of meaningful communication, and this is the level of conscious and subconscious thought At the level of specificallv meaningful messages and not just sensory analogues of living events, a grasp of the events taking place is possible in terms of their vital components and of the TV message in terms of its deep and meaningful complexities. Because each TV picture ог sepuence can be no more than a simple pictorial reproduction from a different angle of the given event, the director, to shape the TV event, must manipulate angles instead of pictures. A mixture of different cross sections of a living moment ог event can achieve the metaphorization of the overall TV event in terms of the symbolic representation of each individual TV sepuence. Each special facet, entertaining aspect, indication of staged or spontaneous effects, etc., brought out by a TV sepuence from a different angle tells something about the event; each sepuence highlights, in the context of the living event, different possibilities for a still more sharply focussed symbolic transcription of the event The TV sepuences selected in this way when incorporated by the director in wider conceptual wholes ”speak” and take on iife as if they were the symbolic epithelium ripped off the elemental foundations of sensory analogues. In contactwith each other, these symbolic bodies all released in like manner produce a TV event with clearly expressed sxmbolic distance between the living occurence and its television transcription. This distance is now expressed to the point of creating, despite all the limitations inherentin TV transpositions, a television event changed in face at least partly, as compared to the living event, by translation from empirical to supra empirical reality. In the TV event and by mixing different cross sections of the living reality,