RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

the configuration of the overail living event has been communicated changed and a condensed structure and clearly expressed meaning achieved. The television event - the TV production - has, furthermore, itself achieved an internal organization and structure in which the living event is no longer simply represented by a sensory analogue but is symbolically specified and conceptually clarified. If in the context of these considerations we turn more fully to the technical side of the question, the technological possibilities of the IV medium for producing messages in the form of TV shows and the outlook for television in future communication practice in general become clearer. The possibilitv to be singled out, certainly, is that of utilizing computer technology in the editing of a TV production and handling of symbolic material as it comes in by direct transmission. Cumputer тешогу to store scenes already played out in real life, and in the TV picture, allows subsequent and reiterated replays of кеу sequences to underline the evocative buttress of ideas inspired by living events ог to play up the aesthetic component of the television event, the TV production. Computer banks offer possibilites for visual illustrations in support of specific point: to ассотрапу a spoken text, for instance, at a public meeting; by replavs of a TV sequence of cheering as an emotional manifestation of support for the event or the ideas being set forth publicly. A capable director can use such details to make an entire TV event exceptionally effective. The potential here is very much akin to that of the chorus in the Greek theater of antiquity. Its function, according to тапу authorities, was to explain, set in motion ог cheer on the main character, to support him in his intentions ог moral stands,get him to act ог stop him in time; what their presence on the stage did for the overall symbo!ic structure of a drama is well known. Another noteworthy technological possibility are double exposures - full face and profile - of a given person, and the almost unlimited other combinations open to simultaneous shots. And there аге тапу possibilities in close ups with their potential for enlarging to incredible degrees.