RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

in the vehicle of the TV production will equal, in all its features, those of the other vehicles of artistic production film, theater, radio-drama, etc. The TV Communication Act The appearance of television expanded the possibilities of message communication to include productions by direct transmission. The communication act realized by direct TV transmission enables a hitherto impossible process for communicating to the public messages on current politicai, social and cultural events. Communication productions are apriori aesthetic messages. They аге the vehicle for communicating the experience, ideas, and knowledge of the communicator, at the creative focus, to the recipient and use imagery. The communication act is completed following ог in the process of the aesthetic experiencing of the content of communication and is made possible by two specifically socio-psychological mechanisms; identification and projection, These two mechanisms do not enter into the process of communicating semantic messages organized in the media of written communication - the press. When they do occur in relation to a communication act whose subject is a semantic message they come after the act and never in the province of elemental communication. They аге in that case auxillary elements of sensory perception in the intellectual reconstruction of the logically conceived event which is the subject of the semantic message. When the vehicle of the communication act is a production, TV or othenvise, the message is imparted an aesthetic dimension and the two mechanism identification and projsction - аге inseparable components of the socio-psychological phenomenon known as decoding. Television with its technological possibilites has shifted the earlier accepted boundaries of the communication world and provided a medium for artistic communication in the service of on-going political social and cultural informative practice.