RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

The appearance of the magnetic tape meant new, unimagined possibilities for television drama, at least as far as the techological process and recording were concerned. Thus a new period in the history of television must be linked with this development The part played by the magnetic tape in filming is inseparable from the creative value of a teievision programme. STUDIO DRAMA A studio drma, i.e. a ”real” television drama should be observed as a final, completed Uterary work. Its aesthetic category is implicated. A television drama shot in the studio means a completely finished script which mostly pertains to the duty of the director. A studio drama offers a greater choice of visual solutions. The director has two ог three available cameras. Their movement offers an untimited number of shots, shooting angles and other solutions. This assertion covers both the creative and technical participation of the director, cameraman and mixer. An unlimited choice of shots active participation of the cameraman in searching for the best and most effective production shot Directors who have experience and a feeling for the visual composition of a shot often advise cameramen to look for and compose shots independantlv just for this reason. They also advise them to bring them into the best balance as regards both pace and composition. On the other hand, studio drama is in delicate collision with the actors. In other words, a continuous form of acting is involved; therefore, studio drama is ”eminently suitable” for showing continuity of emotions; it is able to direct the emotional charge of actors towards gradation. It enables maximum concentration. This characteristic brings it close to the theatre. It also succeeds in achieving dramatic tension within a shot due to the long sepuence which it uses. This means that editing does not have to be used in order to create