RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

the required atmosphere. It is certain that the existence of several cameras and the mixing of shots even leads to purely cinematic solutions: close-ups, details, countershots, etc. On the basis of all this it can be claimed that studio drama possesses all the elements necessary for the achievement of total artistic achievement Plays written for television differ significantly from scereen plays. Actually, a XV drama allows a literary approach and diaiogue which is not reduced and therefore not forced into eliptical abbreviations. A studio drama even requires skillful and well written dialogue. Dialogue in a play has three functions: ”to transmit information, emotions and to aid development of the plot”. 8 A television drama, like every television programme, requires that the situation is concrete, as well as the character and action. Therefore, a television drama is first and foremost Uterature and then a picture. Television drama dialogue is the chief factor in the action unhke the cinema where information and emotions аге transmitted in parallel by means of words and pictures. The picture, sound, music, and lighting are necessary factors in a drama but the most important factor in a drama is the dialogue. Another characteristic of a studio drama should be pointed out It is the efficiency of shooting, the quick way in which a drama can be shot in the studio, using magnetic tape which can immediately reproduce the shot It can actually reproduce the shot immediately after in has recorded it In a few minutes, a whole shot or sequence can be seen again. Its quality can be estimated and an eventual decision taken regarding the shooting of a repeated shot The technology of studio filming is such that it allows really quick and rational work. A correction to a shot can be made immediately. The shooting technique anticipated

8 A.D’Alessandro, The TV Script, Beograd, Academy of Art, 1970. p. 51