RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

А screenplay is not written as a literary form and it does not have the premises of a drama. In most cases it is written in the fragmented form and includes munerous short sequences with situations described through pictures and eliptical dialogue which often gives only a hint, and does not speak directiy nor explain anything. The director’s role is auite different from the director’s role in а studio drama. A person who directs a film drama is obliged to build on to the screenplay, to give it an artistic and formal structure and to bring it into balance with the ideas implied in the subtext of the dialogue as well as in the description of shots. Thus, the director explains the writer’s ideas and in some lucky cases succeeds in explaining them in depth. The laws governing cinematic expression and language аге often of vital importance for the final result ”A well writen television drama represents a finished work of art, a work unto itself, while a script written for a television film covers only haif of the job which must be artistically completed by the artist (director)”, 9 Regardless of the various explanations of the relationship between a television drama and a television film, it is possible to guess the way this television form will be deveioped in. Research into this question is relevant from both the theoretical and practical points of view. This is even more obvious since everyday achievements assure us that television drama genre is developing in the same direction in which television itself is discovering new forms of expression. There are many examples in the TV programmes. The development prospects of television drama are mostly visible to the careful observer in those countries in which television passed out of its initial stage of development long ago. The reviews of television achievements, festivals of various denominations (art, commercial, etc.) make us avare that television expression has vast new possibilities. A television drama is already branching out Those forms which are increasingly to the fore in

9 Vasilije Popović, "Televizijska ili filmska drama”, ("Television or Film Drama”) a foreword to Antologija TV-drame (An Anthologv of TV drama), 111, Beograd, RTB, 1975, p. 8.