RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

experience from film shooting and theatre production. Therefore, a television studio is a synonym for efficient and effective work. Certainly, such a tempo does not allow for polishing if the director has not previously worked out the shooting script in detail. All the elements of film shooting (framing, editing, laboratory work, etc.), аге replaced by the magnetic tape in the studio. FILM DRAMA All the misunderstandings regarding the difference between a television and a film drama resultfrom some opinions which, often on the basis of supposition, consider a television screenplay to be a priori one of the operational possibilities, judging only on the basis of external indicators. It is more than certain that this attitude hides basic misconceptions which once had their strongpoints in principal differences between film and studio drama. The scene of the action, i.e. interior and exterior, had a decisive character when distinguishing these two dramatic forms. The second supposition referred to the number of protagonists in a drama. If there are a larger number of characters in a drama then it is immediately a film drama. If there аге a smaller number of characters in the drama than it is a studio drama. It is obvious that this sort of mechanical choice of technique and only of technigue was neither sufficient nor justified, although it once had its reasons in actual production. The difference in surroundings absolutely affects the choice of filming technique. However, this difference has not been decisive recently as it is possible to shoot a drama "outside” - a drama, that is, which takes place ”outside” - by the use of a TV саг, i.e. using an exclusively television technique. The objection that outside cameras аге not mobile enough can be rejected since small, portable electronic cameras can be used. Their weight and size do not exceed the weight and size of film cameras. Therefore, neither the shooting technique nor the mumber of characters in the drama is affected by outside shooting. But crucial importance is then attached to the script of dramatic text