RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue, Jan 01, 1983, page 26
for the S phere ох i mormation at its fhird meeting, at Lome (Togo,April 1979), and took note of the reports bv: a) Tunisia, in the capacity of chairman of the I ntergovernmental C oordination C ouncil for I nformation; b) I ndia, in the capacitv of the chairman of the of the C oordination C ommittee of the P 00l of the News Agencies of the NonAligned Countries; c) Yugoslavia, in the capacitv of chairman of theCommittee for C ooperation Amongst the Broadcasting Organizations of the NonAligned C ountries. Faster development of national television svstems in the service of independence is in the interests of everv non-aligned country. It is no exaggeration to sav that this impells fuller mutual acquaintance and cooperation amongst the non-aligned countries and between each of them and other states and nations. The technical, technological and financial aspects of this development presuppose mobilization of one’s own means and resources and the continuation of the practice of mutual cooperation, assistance and solidarih'. Concerted action in the United Nations Organization and its specialized agencies has given encouraging results. The directions delineated have alreadv been included in the document cited. Thev are an expression of realism in the quest for ways to reconcile desires with developmental possibiilities. If not all the non-aligned and other developing countries аге in a position to come to each otheds assistance in epuipping a transmitter, does this mean that some of of them cannot give more help with receivers, in training technical, journalist and other personnel, in exchanging information, educational and other programmes? Can material resources and intellectual capacities be pooled, experience be exchanged more intensively, new wavs and means of cooperation sourht out more tenaciouslv, preciselv to speed up the the establishment of the technical groundwork and personnel training - as the first prerequisites for the existence of a national television svstem. The alreadv agreed upon actions to organize programme banks and