RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

6 ) Pacific island broadcasters recentlv f onmed the Pacif ic Islands Broadcasting Association during the Third PACBROAD Meeting held in December , 1987. PACBROAD is the Pacific Broadcasting Training anđ Development Project supported by Unesco and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. This will be an advisory body to all broadcasting bodies in the region . PACNEWS , the news exchange project of the Pacific broadcasters has over the past few years created a significant impact on radio listeners in the region , but there still exist a number of political and technical problems . 7) For current details, see Pacific Islanđ Monthly, Мау 1988. 8 ) Both, the BBC and the Voice of Amenca are Keen to maKe a bigger impact in the Pacific region . The BBC plans to set up transmitters in New Zealand , the Voice of America has recently started to use stronger transmitters in California and the Philippines . 9 ) Hailey & Ogden, 1988. 1 °) RA has also a strong influence in South-East Asia . Inđonesia , Australia's most feared neighbor , is particularly worried about RA news programs because of their possible influence on internal politics . In China , RA provides the most popular English language program on radio . 4 1.2/ of listeners' mail comes from Indonesia , 36.1/ from China . 1 1 ) 76/ of Australia-’s population is of English or Irish origin. 8/ comes from Southern Europe , 7.6/ from Northern Europe, 4.2/ from Eastern Europe, 2.8/ from Asia . 1.1/ are Aborigines . ( 1984 figures . ) Committee of Review 1985, Part Опе : 128. 12 ) With radio , the term "ethnic" is usually used implylng that It serves specific ethnic communities . With TV , the term "multicultural" is used to indicate that the TV programs are đesigned for all Australians . 13 ) Meaning English and some other language . Committee of Review 1985, Part One : 97. 14 ) Committee of Review 1985, Part One; 26 1. 15 ) Department of Commumcations 1982: 3. 16 ) Department if Communications 1982: lOff.