RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

17 ) Committee of Review , 1985, Part Опе : 317. 18 ) Committee of Review 1985, Part One: 329. Committee of Review 1985, Part Two; 4 33. 201 Venner, 1988; 42. 21 ) Commercial FM stations аге now the highest rating stations in Austratia. In 1987, the government promised its country electorates that by 1990, 80Z of regional areas should be able to receive commercial FH radio thirty years later than in most European countries . 22 > Law, 1986 : 3 23 > The Bulletin, Мау 24, 1988: 126. 24 ) Australian Commercial Rađio, 1988, 25 ) At present, a station in Syđney is being investigated because one of its presenters has on several occasions made remarks on air which аге deemed likely to cause racial bitterness . Another station, in Western Australia , is being investigated for having fabricated radio news tapes after it had been accused by the ABT of providing a sub-standard news and inf ormation service . 261 At the beginning of 1988, ten applicants were in the running for an FM station at the Gold Coast, a holiday region in the North-East of Australia. Four dropped out of the original 14 applicants when the government introduced a $4.3 mio establishment fee for FM stations . But even this fee looks small considering that such a station could easily be sold after a run-in periođ for $lOO mio or more . 27 ) One station which ranks number 2 in the 40-54 уеагз market managed already to get a moratorium on this ruling because it rhives on a soft госк/еазу listening format and would collapse if it had to follow the rules . 281 The Sydney Morning Herald Guiđe , June 27, 1988: 7. 291 One Sydney talk-back announcer , John Laws , is said to be the highest paid radio broadcaster in the world with an annual salary at his last place of work of an