RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

• Heriot, Geof f . "Radio Australia : The Contemporarv Role and Impact of International Broadcasting". Unpublished paper delivered at the First Canberra Conference on International Communication. Canberra 1986. e Higgins, C.S. & Moss, P.D. Sounds Real. Radio in everyday life St. Lucia 1982, • Law, Michael . "Public Broadcasting in the 1980s: A Social Asset?" . Unpublished paper . Sociological Association of Australia and New Zealand Annual Conference. 1986. • Semmler, Clement. The ABC - Aunt Sally and Sacred Cow. Melbourne 1981. • Thomas, Alan . Broadcast and be Damned. Melbourne 1960. • Venner, Магу . "Broadcasting for Remote Aborigina) Communities Scheme I ', in Media Information Australia . No . 47. Sydney 1988. 37-43. • Western, J.S. & Hughes, C.A. The Mass Međia in Australia . St. Lucia 1983. • Wheelwright, T. & Buckley, K. (eds). Communications and the Media in Australia. Sydney 1987