RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

estimated $2. His fee for reading live commercials (up to 24 рег day) is $4 15 per 30 sec. plus an undisclosed talent fee . Laws at one time almost managed to set a Building Society banKrupt when he uttered doubts about its liquidity . A top research team maKes him seem omniscient. He has become one of the most powerful opinion-leaders in the country. His colleague in Melbourne, Оеггуп Hinch, spent last уеаг eleven days in jail following contempt of court charges . His listeners celebrated him as a martyr, and he used his stay in jail to boost ratings even further. References e ABC Annual Report 1986/1987. Sydney 1987. • Australian Broadcasting Tribunal. Annual Report 1986-87. Canberra 1987. • Australian Commercial Radio. Sydney 1988. • Australian Journalism Review. Vol. 9 (Nos. 1&2). St.Lucia 1987. e Barnard, Alan. "Ruling Australia J s Airwaves in the 19205". WorKing Rapers in Economic History . Canberra 1982. • Bear , Anđrew . "The Emergence of Public Broadcasting in Australia" , in Australian Journal of Communication. N0.4, 1983. t Blain, Ellis. Life with Aunty, Forty Years with the ABC . Sydney 1977. • Brown , Allan . Commercial Međia in Australia. St. Lucia 1986. • Committee of Review of the Special Broadcasting Service . Serving Multicultural Australia : The Role of Broađcasting. Part One and Part Two. Canberra 1985. • "Communications" , in Pacific Island Monthly . Мау 1988. 4 1-50. e Department of Communications . Discussion Рарег : The Extension and Development of Ethnic Radio . Canberra 1982. ® Department of Transport and Communications . Review of National Broadcasting Policy . Canberra 1988. e Gerdes , Peter , "Viel VerpacKung , wenig Inhalt, grosser Profit: Die Medien in Australien" , in Gulliver (Hrsg. Dieter Herms) , Banđ 23. Berlin 1988. 5 1-67. » Hailey , J.M. & Ogden, M.R. "International Broadcastmg Services to Isolated Audiences : The Role of Radio Australia During the Fiji Crisis" , in Media Asia, Vol. 15, No. 1, 1988. • Harding , Richard . Outside Interference . The Politics of Australian Broadcasting . Melbourne 1979.