RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

RURAL BROADCASTING : Radio as a viable and pervasive medium for development ih the Third World of f ers a tremendous potential fог inf ormation, eđucation and motivation in the rurai areas . Broadcasting fог rural development was initiated in Pakistan in 1953 with the ob jective of increasing people's participation in agriculture, adult literacy , health and other development efforts . For these purposes "Radio has been promoted from being Just an entertainment medium to an agent fог social change. In all instructional, investigative and development broadcasting, the emphasis is on particular segments of population , problems and technigues . " б ) With these goals the scope and the role of rural broađcasting occupies a prominent place in government policies and objectives . The following part will discuss content styles , language, communicators as well as the medium and the audience of rural broadcasting in the country . Rural development programs of Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation (PBC) provide information on farming , health . nutrition , and livestock . Feedback from the audience is provided through the program of answers to their letters . Educational programs аге also part of the rural development broadcast. PBC defines development as "a process to make makimum use of human and available natural resources to increase the prođuctivity of goods and services for the welfare of the society." Needs of rural areas have been spelled out in order to raise the stanđard of life and to minimize poverty. 7 ) Improvement in the quality of life is seen as an essential condition for achieving the scientific modernization goal. Within this framework of development objectives, eradication of illiteracy , improved health conđitions , development of agricultural inputs and services , transfer of technology , development of infrastructure and improving skills аге consideređ as symbols of the rural development process . With this philosophy of rural development, PBC devotes 6V. of its total broadcast to rural development programs daily from all centers . This includes "Farm Forum" , and other programs on rural broadcasts on women and youth . Host of the rural development programs аге aiređ in the composite form with two ог more moderators . However , the style lacks coordination and professional maturity due to the lack of training facilities for mođerators . The superficial style of delivery , overlap of conversation anđ the ummpressive style is far from bemg attractive fог the audience . During the guarter of October-November , 1980 the total broadcast percentage from Ouetta , Hyderabad , Bahawalpur ,